Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Matthew 21

 Matthew 21:28-32  This parable is about two sons... one who said he would go work in the vineyard, but didn't.. and the other who said he would not go, but "regretted it and went".  Jesus asked the priests and elders, "Which of these two did the will of the father?"  They answered correctly.. it was the one who finally obeyed.. 

Jesus compared these two sons to two groups of people... the elders and priests;  and the harlots and tax-gatherers.  The group that would "get into the kingdom of God".. is the latter group.. They are the ones who repented.. felt "remorse" or "regret" and changed their minds about sin.. and were saved.  The priests and elders were the ones who said they would obey God.. but never did. 

John the Baptist had come "in the way of righteousness".. he came to preach repentance... show the way to the kingdom of God and the elders and priests of Israel, refused to believe him.. as they still refused to believe Jesus. 

The King of kings had entered Jerusalem.. cleansed the temple.. the place where men and women from every nation should have been able to know the Presence of God.. He condemned the barren fig tree and the fruitless religion of Israel... He revealed the spirit of error in the lives of the religious leaders.. and in that context He once again clearly offers the way of righteousness.. repentance and obedience to the will of the Father.  Which brings us back to the question that we each must make:

Will we choose to follow Jesus in doing the Father's will?  Will we trust and obey? Are we willing to repent.. true away from sin and the world and anything that comes between us and our God? Will we "surrender all" to Jesus?

Or will we just pretend to be "saved".. offer lip-service about our relationship with God.. while our hearts are hard and the throne of our hearts is still ruled by our own wills?

We all must choose!

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name!  May the Name of the Lord Almighty  be lifted up and exalted in all the earth.  May the Name of Jesus be praised in every language, by every tribe and nation.  Let Your Kingdom come. Let Your will be done.  Father, we choose to be obedient servants.. to love and serve You with whole hearts and willing minds. Help us to continually be filled with Your Spirit that we might be "preserved complete and without blame at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ" ( I Thes. 5:23-24)  You are faithful and You alone can do it.  Thank You for patiently, lavishly, loving us and covering us by Your grace. Amen. 

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