Friday, August 12, 2022

 Matthew 21:18-22  If the first priority of Jesus was to cleanse the temple.. emphasizing the vital relationship between God and His people.. this second event is also significant.   Jesus enters Jerusalem once again after spending the night in Bethany.  Hungry, He approaches a leafy fig tree, but finds no fruit.  Most commentaries agree that this tree symbolized Israel.. who had every opportunity to bear spiritual fruit, for they had been given the Words and commandments of God.. but were as barren as the tree. 

Jesus cursed the tree, "No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you." .. and the tree withered. The status quo in Jerusalem would not longer be accepted by God.. A change was about to come... 

 As the disciples marveled at this,  Jesus once again taught them the truth about faith and prayer. "Truly I say to you, if you have faith, and do not doubt, you shall no only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea, ' it shall happen. And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." 

The restored and reconciled believer who has that vital relationship with God the Father.. who worships and obeys and loves God with all his heart.. who has true living faith..  is the disciple of Jesus who asks and receives.  The disciples had already learned that they were to open and shut doors.. binding  and loosing..  according to heaven's will.  The time was coming.. in just a few days.. and they needed to know the kind of faith that does that.. the kind of faith that  moves mountains. 

We have such limited understanding of the privileges and responsibilities of being Christ's disciples.. we are as weak in faith as the disciples were.  May the Holy Spirit open our eyes and understanding to the power of God at work in us.. that we might also pray in faith and move mountains for the glory of God. 

Father, fill us.. Your servants... Your children...  increase our faith and expand our understanding of Your Kingdom, of Your will, and of Your glory.  Accomplish all that You desire in us, in our church, and in our land. We pray this in Jesus' name. All glory and honor and praise we lift up to You, the Holy God, the Maker of heaven and earth.. Amen. 

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