Tuesday, April 27, 2021

 Philemon - Paul wrote to Philemon to appeal to him..  for the acceptance and forgiveness of the runaway slave, Onesimus.  Paul had much respect and love for both of these men, calling both his brothers and fellow workers.  He yearned for Philemon to forgive and restore Onesimus and to even free him from being his slave.  Yet, he would not go against Philemon's rights or wishes. 

Paul had clearly come to love Onesimus as a dear son.  He didn't try to cover up or excuse the behavior that could have led to severe punishment or even death.  But, he did ask for mercy and beyond that for grace...  Mercy to forgive the sins and debts that Onesimus owed to Philemon.. Grace to go beyond that and send Onesimus back to Paul as a freed man and as his own representative. 

We are not told of Philemon's response to this request. But, as a "beloved brother and fellow worker", one who was known for his love and faith, Paul had confidence that Philemon would grant his request and glorify God in doing so. 

Sometimes it is hard to give up your rights.. or your property.. to do the thing that God calls you to do.  Maybe this was a struggle for Philemon.. a time when he had to lay down his own desire and say "Thy will be done".  We all have those struggles, don't we?

This is not a book that we pay much attention to.. this short, personal letter that focuses on two men that we don't know very much about.  Yet, it is included in our Bibles and considered the Word of God as much as any other book. So, once again I ask myself, what is the Shepherd saying to me?

Father in heaven, help us to love others enough to intervene, even when it's uncomfortable. Help us to respect others enough to sacrifice our own wills or rights.  Help us to choose life, to choose "good things" for Christ's sake, even when we don't have to or don't want to.. Help us to bring every need to You and humbly, honestly, lay them at Your feet.. praying "Your will be done".  In the Name of the One who laid down His life for us, to do Your will and not His own..  we pray, amen. 

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