Friday, April 16, 2021

 Isaiah 63-64   This chapter tells us that the Lord moved out in vengeance against the enemies of Israel. He moved against His rebellious people also.. so that they would remember Him and turn back to Him. Isaiah calls out to God, remembering how He had brought them out of Egypt.. and asks Him to "Look down from heaven and see... " 

We echo Isaiah's prayer.. "Oh, that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down.. "  

Isaiah asks God for many things... 

He asks to see God's zeal and mighty deeds. v15

He asks to know God's compassion. 

He asks God, who is his Father, to make His name known.. to enemies and to the nations. (64:2)

Isaiah stay his mind on His Father .. remembering that He is the "Redeemer from of old."   He is the One who shook the mountains with His presence. "...Thou didst awesome things which we did not expect.."  The Lord once acted with great power on Israel's behalf.. "Neither has the eye seen a God besides Thee, who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him."  Isaiah's prayer... and ours... is to see the hand of God moving with great power once again.. so that people will return to Him and be saved. 

Isaiah confesses the sins of Israel.. "For all of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; and all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind, take us away." (v6)  This is also truth for us and a confession that we must make. 

Isaiah's prayer ends with a humble request.. "But now, O Lord, Thou art our Father, we are the clay and Thou our potter; and all of us are the work of Thy hand. Do not be angry beyond measure, O Lord, neither remember iniquity forever; behold look now, all of us are Thy people.... Wilt Thou keep silent and afflict us beyond measure?" (v8-9;12b)

Isaiah was living at the time of Israel's exile to Assyria and Judah's exile to Babylon.  It was a terrible and terrifying time for God's people.  His prayer is a great example to us.. for the times in which we are living.. 

Father, we look to You, our Redeemer and King.. You are the Potter and we are the clay. Make us and mold us according to Your will. Father, we know that there is nothing impossible for You. We long to see Your powerful deeds once again.. on behalf of those who are waiting on You. We ask that You will forgive us and free us from sin. We pray for Your grace and mercy to flow and that many more will come to know Your compassion and zeal.  We are thankful for Your Word, for Your salvation, and for the joy of knowing Jesus Christ, our Lord. In His name we come, Amen. 

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