Thursday, April 29, 2021

 I Chronicles 11-12  This section tells about David's army.  Mighty men of valor began to come to David and pledge their lives to fight for him. More and more came.  Men from all the tribes of Israel.. thousands came together.. "All these being men of war, who could draw up in a battle formation, came to Hebron with a perfect heart, to make David king over all Israel; and all the rest of Israel were of one mind to make David king." (v38) 

They recognized that God was with David. They were drawn to him and they chose him to be king of Israel.  Yet, we know that it was God who chose David first.  Through all the years that Saul chased David and tried to kill him, God was planning this outcome. 

We are living in a day with so much going on.. not just the pandemic, but the political, economical, and cultural upheavals.  May we be encouraged to trust our God like David did.. that He will bring about joy for His people.. that He will raise up an army of mighty men and women to accomplish His work that will usher in the Kingdom of God and the return of our Eternal King, Jesus Christ. 

Father, Your Name be glorified; Your Kingdom come; and Your will be done.. on earth, right now and right here.. we pray.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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