Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 Isaiah 62  A new day is coming.. when Jerusalem will be all that it is meant to be.  The description that the Lord shares with us is so wonderful... 

She will be bright.. like a torch, shining with righteousness and salvation. v1

She will be seen by every nation and praised by every king. v2

She will have a new name that will reveal her position as God's bride.v2-4

She will be a "crown of beauty".. a "royal diadem in the hand of God" v3

She will be the Lord's delight.. like a bride is to the groom. v4-5

The Lord will rejoice over her. v5

She will prosper in every way. v8-9

She will not be harmed by any more enemies. v8

She will be filled with "holy people.. the redeemed of the Lord." v12

She will be called "Beulah" - married to the Lord. v4

Verses 6b-7 give us important instructions.."You who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves; and give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth." 

Father, we fail to pray as we ought for You to complete Your plan for Jerusalem.  We know the conflicts in Israel. We know the threats against her. Yet, we forget to "give You no rest".. We focus so much on ourselves and our own needs, which are many, that we have not prayed as we should. Forgive us, Lord. We pray now, Lord that You would fulfill Your promise to make Jerusalem a place of salvation and righteousness, where Jesus reigns and You are praised continually. Your Kingdom come...  Come Lord Jesus! We ask this in Your Holy Name. amen. 

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