Wednesday, April 21, 2021

 Isaiah 66  The final chapter of this book speaks the same truths as throughout Isaiah's ministry.. the glory of the Lord - grace given to those who will humble themselves before Him - to see Him and serve Him forever;  and the fury of His wrath against those who refuse His grace, who rebel and continue in their sin. 

 Two paths.. Two choices.. Two outcomes...Each of us must decide. 

"To him who is humble and contrite of spirit and who trembles at My word."(v2) - the Lord receives. He extends His grace and His peace to us. We will find in Him - comfort, healing, and salvation..And,  we will see His glory.

But, to others, who ".. have chosen their own ways and their soul delights in their abominations, so I will choose their punishments, and I will bring on them what they dread." (v3-4)

In the end, "all mankind will come to bow down before Me, says the Lord." (v23)  The saved will rejoice, but the lost will suffer.. "For their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched; and they shall be an abhorrence to all mankind." ( v24b) 

It breaks my heart to think of those I have loved.. who never called on Jesus.. suffering the eternal wrath of God, who loved them too.  Yet, I remember that God hears our prayers and He works in ways we cannot know.. so my faith is in Him alone.  I will choose Christ. I will choose to listen and obey His Word, by the power of His Spirit in me. And I pray that whoever reads this.. will choose that too. 

Father in heaven, thank You for everlasting Life in Jesus. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done.. on earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your glory be seen in every nation this day, that more people will make the choice to be humble and contrite before You.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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