Thursday, April 8, 2021

 Isaiah 58  Israel/Judah was claiming that they were righteous and didn't deserve the destruction heading towards them.. they fasted, they prayed, and they offered sacrifices.  Yet, God wasn't answering.. "Why have we fasted and Thou dost not see? Why have we humbled ourselves and Thou dost not notice?"

The Lord answers.. and it is not what they expected.. He saw and heard them alright.. but He wasn't pleased.. 

Their fasting was all about themselves "you fast for contention and strife and to strike with a wicked fist...."   In fact all of their "religious" activities were done out of selfishness and pride. It was all outward.. not from their hearts. 

The Lord instructs them again.. about what He really desires from His people

"Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke?" 

They were treating each other in ways that were contrary to God's true law - they made slaves of their fellow countrymen. They practiced usury, charging great interest so that no one could ever get free from their debt. They took the inheritances from their neighbors.  They sought wealth and power at the expense of others.  These were the bonds that needed to be loosened.. these were the oppressed that had to be set free. 

True obedience, that honors God, is seen in humility and compassion -In loving one's neighbor... 

 feed the hungry, help the homeless. give clothing to the naked, help the afflicted

And most importantly -  put God first, especially on the Sabbath.. revealing faithfulness and acknowledging that all things come from Him and that our faith and trust is in Him. 

When the heart is in right relationship with God, when we are living in obedience and faith.. then God will pour out His blessings, even as He promised.. "Then your light will break out like the dawn, and your recovery spring forth; and your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call and the Lord will answer; You will cry, and He will say, 'Here I am'"

Father in heaven, forgive us for being selfish and prideful.  Forgive us for failing to help others.. to truly love our neighbors as ourselves. We humble ourselves before You and seek the fast that You choose for us.. to love, to serve, and to obey.  Fill us with Your Spirit that we might truly live as Your servants, loving You with all our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen. 

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