Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 Isaiah 48  Israel is the personification of stubbornness.  They used God's name but "not in truth nor in righteousness".   The Lord said this about them... "... I know that you are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew, and your forehead bronze.. ."   Hard-headed and stiff necked!  I know a few people like that, don't you? 

Because of their stubbornness the Lord told them what was going to happen, so that when it did, they couldn't deny that it was from Him.  He did the unexpected, the unpredictable, and the miraculous things so that they would see His glory.  He did it when He redeemed Israel out of Babylon.. and He did it when He gave His Son, Jesus. 

Because of their stubbornness, they were tested but not cut off.. "I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For My own sake, for My own sake, I will act; For how can My name be profaned? And My glory, I will not give to another." (v10-11)

The Lord desires His people to obey His Word.  He desires to bless them with righteousness, to redeem them, and to give them joy. That is His desire for all of His creation. 

Why are we.. all of us.. so stubborn?  Why do we refuse the grace that God is willing to give?  Why is it so hard to trust in the God who created us?  Why do people choose wickedness, when they find no hope and no peace?  We need to look to Him and trust in His Word.  Lord, help us!

Father in heaven,  You are the Lord of hosts, the Holy One... the Lord my God and I bow before You. "Let my heart be pure in your laws; so that I won't be put to shame. I am dying to know your salvation; my hope is in your word." ( Psalm 119:80-81 CJB)   My hope is in You.  Forgive us our trespasses.. our stubbornness and sin. Forgive our unbelief and pour out your grace and mercy on us.  How great is the glory of God, the Lord who is my God and Father. Thank You for all that You have done and all that You have promised.  I will trust in You. Lord, by Your Hand, will You change hearts and minds so that more people.. my loved ones too...  will come to know You, worship You and love You with all their hearts?  In Jesus'  name I ask this, amen. 

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