Monday, March 15, 2021

 Isaiah 42 The Servant of God is described here.  Whether or not this is meant to be Israel or Jesus.. it is very true of Jesus :

He is God's chosen One.. in whom He delights.

He was given the Holy Spirit after His baptism.

He will "bring forth justice to the nations." 

He did not cry out.. 

"A brushed reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not distinguish." 

"He will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not be disheartened or crushed, until He has established justice in the earth." v4

"God, the Lord, Who created the heavens and stretched them out.. appointed [Him] as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring prisoners from the dungeon, and those who dwell in darkness from the prison." ( 5-7)

The Lord Jesus came to bring justice.  He will accomplish all that He has been called to do. I've said it before and will say it again:  as we hear the cry from every corner, for justice..   what we really need to cry  out for is mercy.  The justice of Christ will be perfect.. and each person will receive the verdict he or she deserves.. but for those without the covering of Jesus' blood.. that will mean eternal punishment. Sin and rebellion that has not found the forgiveness that Jesus alone can bring, will not be spared from God's wrath. 

Father in heaven, may those who have turned away from You  have their eyes opened.. may they be freed from the dungeon of unbelief.. may they be released from the darkness of sin and death and hell. Lord God, have mercy on us we pray, in the name of Jesus, Your Servant and Your beloved Son. Amen. 

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