Wednesday, March 3, 2021

 Isaiah 34-35  Once again, Isaiah is given a vision of the future - chapter 34 painting the picture of a scorched earth after God's wrath is poured out on the nations. Chapter 35 painting the glorious future of God's kingdom. 

In the world we live in today we hear so much about climate change and environmental disasters.  The Word of the Lord reveals that it will happen.. not because of fossil fuels or air pollution.. but because of the sins of mankind. "Draw near, O nations, to hear; to listen, O peoples!" the Lord proclaims, "For the Lord's indignation is against all the nations,  and His wrath against all their armies." 

The Lord will destroy the nations. He will give them over to slaughter. He will drench the mountains in blood. ( v2-3) 

Not only that, but the Lord will allow the stars and the sun and the moon to rot, to be rolled up and torn away. ( v4)

The sword of the Lord will be "filled with blood".  For "the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion." 

Streams will be filled with pitch. The earth with brimstone. Desolation will be everywhere. Only the wild creatures will be found in places where great cities once stood.  All that God has says.. He will do.  All who refuse to humble themselves before Him and obey His word will be included in this judgement. 

In contrast to this picture of devastation is the scene of Zion's future. "The wilderness and the desert will be glad, and the Arabah will rejoice and blossom." 

The future city of God will be glorious.  There will be great rejoicing. There will be glory and majesty surrounding it. "They will see the glory of the Lord, the majesty of our God."

"Encourage the exhausted and strengthen the feeble. Say to the anxious heart, take courage, fear not. Behold your God will come with vengeance." 

God will save us.  He will open blind eyes. He will unstop deaf ears. He will restore the lame so that they will leap.  He will give a voice to the mute.  He will bring water to the deserts.  He will build a highway through the wilderness. 

And only the righteous will walk there.  Those "ransomed of the Lord."  We will come with "joyful shouting.. with everlasting joy.. and sorrow and sighing will flee away. " 

Choose life.. the Lord calls to us.  Choose to believe. Choose to obey.  We each have a choice to make.. as to which destination we want to end up in... a place of terror beyond anything we can imagine.. or a place of joy beyond our expectations.  May God help us to seek Him with all our hearts, for when we do, He has promised... we will find Him. 

Father,  your deeds are great. Your work is full of majesty and splendor.  Your righteousness is eternal. You are merciful and compassionate.  Your Word is truth. It can be trusted.  You have offered redemption through Jesus Christ, to all who will call on His holy Name.  Stir the hearts of the lost and confused, the rebellious and the disillusioned .. to seek You and find You. Send more workers into Your harvest field. Bring salvation to the nations, before it is too late.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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