Monday, March 8, 2021

 Isaiah 39 Hezekiah recovered from his illness and received visitors from Babylon. Foolishly, he showed them all his treasures.  His pride would be his downfall.  Isaiah tells Hezekiah that because of his actions, his descendants would be taken into captivity by Babylon. Even then, Hezekaih is not disturbed, but glad that his own life would be peaceful.  Hezekiah's son Manasseh would succeed his father and become one of the evilest kings yet. Hezekiah's grandson, Josiah, would do good, but after that would come the nothing but trouble until they were taken into captivity by Babylon. 

Chapter 40 begins a turning point for the book of Isaiah. Some think that a new author is responsible. The focus switches to the future of Israel. The coming of the Messiah and the restoration of the nation is revealed. This chapter is filled with wonderful truths, revealing the greatness of God. 

"Comfort, O comfort My people.. " the Lord begins.  He brings good news!  Jerusalem's warfare will end. "... her iniquity has been removed, .. she has received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins. "  There is an end coming.. when all judgement will be over, when all sins will be gone. It will begin with "a voice calling, clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness.. " 

The Lord made a way.. to Himself.  He smoothed the desert into a highway. He filled in the valleys and flattened every hill and mountain. He raked up the rough ground and straightened out the rugged land... so that "the glory of the Lord will be revealed." (v3-5)

We are reminded here that life on earth is short.. temporary.. " All flesh is grass and all its loveliness is like the flower in the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it;"   And this is true.. "but the word of our God stands forever." 

Perhaps that is enough to chew on for now.  Kings came and went. The nation of Israel began and then stopped.. and then began again.  Our lives on earth are temporary.  What is most important is what comes next.  May we find comfort in the good news.. that God has made a way that we can come to Him.. to find forgiveness for all our sins.. to see the "glory of the Lord". 

Father in heaven, You are great and there is none like You. Thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Messiah. Thank You for the grace that You have shown in making a way for us to find You.  Hold us in Your arms like the lambs that the Shepherd gathers.  Tend us.. the sheep of Your pasture, for we need You.. every day and every hour.  Conform us to the image of Jesus, that Your glory would be seen in our lives.  Sanctify us, Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus' name . amen. 

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