Friday, February 5, 2021

 Isaiah 9:3-7  Jesus became the Light of the world - the "child born to us.. the son.. given to us.."  These verses tell us that He:

-will "increase their gladness" v3

-will "break the yoke of their burden and the staff on their shoulders.." v4

-will carry the "government.. on His shoulders"..v6 

- will "establish" His kingdom "with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore." 

And "the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this". 

Out of the darkness of the sin -sick world came the Light.  He came to fulfill the Word of God, to redeem His own, to rescue us.. For He is:

"Wonderful" - marvelous - things too hard, too high, miraculous; full of wonder

"Counselor" - Advisor; resolver; consult; guide; devise; purpose;

"Mighty God" - el - strength, might, great, strong

"Eternal Father" - perpetual; without end;  'ab' - chief; principal 

"Prince of Peace"-  the head, the captain/ general; governor; keeper, lord, master, ruler;  of 'shalom' - safe; well, happy, friendly, health; prosperity; favor, welfare;  wholeness; 

Jesus Christ is all!  Everything that we need. Everything we could ever want. He came for us.  He knows our great need and will perfectly complete the work He has begun in each of us who put our trust in Him. Praise His holy Name!

Father in heaven, we are thankful and humbled by the greatness of Your salvation through Jesus Christ who is our Captain, our Counselor, our King forever.  Be glorified in Your people who lift us Your Name in praise and thanksgiving. Shine in us today we pray. amen. 

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