Tuesday, February 9, 2021

 Isaiah 10:1-4  Israel would be punished for their sinful actions - they made evil laws; they pronounced unjust verdicts; they deprived the poor of fair verdicts; they trampled the rights of the poor; they caused harm to the defenseless widows and orphans.  Their punishment would come from the Lord through the army of Assyria. 

v5-19 Assyria would be like an axe or a saw..  in the hand of the Lord, and instrument of His judgement.  Yet Assyria would boast that it was her power, her wisdom, her superiority that brought victory over Israel. And because of this arrogance, the Lord would also punish Assyria.  Its army would be devastated. It would be cut down and destroyed. 

v20-34 The Lord once again provides hope - a promise that a "remnant will return".  A remnant that would "truly rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel."   And although Judah was threatened by Assyria, the Lord would not allow Assyria to conquer Judah like it did Israel.  He tells them, ".. do not fear the Assyrian who strikes you with the rod and lifts us his staff against you.. for in a little while My indignation against you will be spent, and My anger will be directed to their destruction." 

We can learn some important lessons from the history of Israel and Judah:

 We learn that God will not tolerate injustice and oppression. 

We learn that God will use whoever or whatever He desires to discipline His people. 

We learn that God in His sovereignty rules over any government.. any nation.. and any army.. and He will do what He desires to bring about His purposes.  

And we learn that God desires people who will truly rely on Him

Father in heaven, Holy One of Israel, You are God alone and there is no other. You rule over all the earth. The psalmist wrote.. " For Adonai is a great God, a great king greater than all gods. He holds the depths of the earth in His hands; the mountain peaks too belong to Him. The sea is His - he made it - and His hands shaped the dry land." ( Psalm 95:3-5)  And so we sing Your praise, for You are "the Rock of our salvation."  We come to worship You and bow down before You. You are our God and we are Your people. We rely on You fully, as the sheep relies on its shepherd, we rely on our God who leads us to green pastures and to quiet waters.  Oh may we dwell in Your house forever and ever. Bring us to Yourself that we might find abundant life in Your Presence. Father, we pray for our nation to repent. Bring revival. Change the hearts of those who seek to pass evil laws and who pronounce unjust verdicts. Remove those who choose evil instead of righteousness. Change hard hearts so that they will... today...hear Your voice and turn back to You. We ask this in the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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