Tuesday, February 16, 2021

 Isaiah 14-16   These chapters contain the judgements against Babylon, Assyria, Philistia and Moab.  14:24 says this, "The Lord of hosts has sworn saying, ' Surely just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand... "  The Lord stretched out His hand " against all the nations". 

The king of Babylon would fall.  He would even be "cast out of" his own tomb.  Because of his pride and arrogance, he would be "thrust down to Sheol".  The description given in verses 12-15 are sometimes thought to describe the fall of Satan, " How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened nations! But you said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of the assembly.. I will make myself like the Most High.."  

This declaration may describe Satan, but it also describes every man who refuses to bow before the Lord.   The lie that Satan spoke to Eve in the garden - "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.. "  is the same lie he whispered to the king of Babylon.. and to every one of us who wants to rule our own lives.. sitting on the throne of our own making and refusing to bow before the True King. 

And like Satan.. and like the king of Babylon.. everyone who tries to rise above God.. will fall.  The Lord has sworn that this will happen and it will. 

Assyria was trampled. 

Philistia was melted away. 

Moab was devastated.

It all came to pass just as the Lord said.  But again, the Lord sends a ray of light - "A throne will even be established in lovingkindness, and a judge will sit on it in faithfulness in the tent of David; moreover he will seek justice and be prompt in righteousness."  When all is said and done.. Jesus will reign forever!

Father, it is good that we are reminded of these things.. that all wickedness will be judged and punished.. as You have sworn in Your Word.  You have planned and will complete Your perfect will.. in every nation and in every life.  What we see and experience in the world today is not kept from Your attention.  You see those who are arrogant and full of pride.  You see the intentions of their hearts. Of all of our hearts. We are reminded by these truths that we must look to Jesus Christ, the only Way, Truth, and Life, to rescue us from sin and death and hell.  It is Jesus who is our King, whom we serve.  Father, we know that we have hope in Christ alone. Thank You for such grace, that we might be made whole through His blood shed for us. We shout for joy, for You Adonai, are great! We will serve You with gladness. We will enter Your presence with singing. We know that You are God and that we are Your people.  You are good and Your faithfulness is eternal. Hallelujah! Amen. 

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