Thursday, February 25, 2021

 Isaiah 30:18-33  

I read from a devotional book by Andrew Murray/ Bruce Wilkinson  this morning called "Daily in His Presence" .. about God's promise revealed in Jeremiah 31:33 "This is the covenant I will make.. I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts."  The emphasis is on the fact that Jesus is the Mediator of this new covenant.. this promise, which God Himself will do.... so that we won't depart from Him.. so that by the Holy Spirit in us we will have the desire and the power to do God's will.  It struck me again that this covenant is for ALL who desire and seek Him.. it is for me.   God has contracted Himself to do this work in me.. and in you. This is His covenant.. a compact, a contract, that by His power He will fulfill. 

Then, as it is my practice to read a psalm... I read Psalm 107. This is a psalm of thanksgiving. Each section begins with words of thanksgiving.. "Let them give thanks to Adonai for His grace, for his wonders bestowed on humanity." ( v8,15. 21.and  31 CJB)  Each section speaks of how God redeemed and rescued His people when they cried to Him. 

v1-7  The people were wandering, they were hungry and thirsty.. "In their trouble they cried to Adonai and he rescued them from their distress."

v8-14 The people were in darkness and misery because of their rebellion against God's word.  He humbled them "by hard labor".  Again they cried out to him and He rescued them. " He led them from darkness, from death-dark gloom, shattering their chains." 

v15-20 The people were foolish and were afflicted because of their own sins.  They were near death, but when they cried out to the Lord, He rescued them.. "he sent his word and healed them, he delivered them from destruction." 

v21-30 These people were on a ship.. doing business... when a terrible storm came up. The most seasoned sailors lost courage, reeling and staggering, and all their skill could not save them.  But, when they cried out to the Lord, He rescued them. " He silenced the storm and stilled its waves." 

v31-43 This section extols the omnipotence  and the sovereignty of God - "He turns rivers into desert, flowing springs into thirsty ground.. because the people are wicked. But he also turns desert into pools of water, dry land into flowing springs; there he give the hungry a home.. " 

The Lord blesses those who will call on Him, but He will allow the wicked to face the consequences of their sin.  "When the upright see this, they rejoice; while the wicked are reduced to silence."

"Let whoever is wise observe these things and consider Adonai's loving deeds."

Then I read Isaiah 30:18:" The Lord would rescue Judah when they cried out to Him. "He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you."  They would see Him.  They would hear Him. ( v20-21)  They would destroy their idols. They would sow seed and grow food. They would have "streams running with water." They would have light. ".. on the day the Lord binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted."  The Lord would again be their Rock. He would fight for them. He would fulfill His covenant with them.. and they will walk in His ways, with the commandments written on their hearts and in their minds. 

And He will fulfill His covenant with us. 

Father, there is nothing that You will not do to rescue Your people when they cry to You, for Your grace "continues forever"! You will rescue us from our wandering, gathering us to Yourself.  You direct us in Your paths.. to the city You are preparing for us.  You satisfy our hunger and thirst.  You shatter our prison doors.  You heal our brokenness.  You still the storms and calm the waves.  You turn deserts into springs of living water. We have seen Your hand at work. We have heard Your voice telling us the way to go.  We extol You and give praise to Your holy name. Thank You, for You are good and Your grace continues forever.  We thank You for Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the covenant and in His name we pray. Amen. 

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