Monday, February 22, 2021

 Isaiah 26 is another song, to be sung "in the land of Judah".   It is a song about God's protection and provision.   It is a song that reminds us that only in the Lord will we find true life.  It reminds us that, in the end, all wickedness will be uncovered and punished. And, that there is nothing we can do on our own to save us - it is all in the Hands of the Lord who brings the dead to life. 

Several verses stand out:

 "A person whose desire rests on you, you preserve in perfect peace, because he trusts in You. Trust in Adonai forever, because in Yah Adonai is a Rock of Ages." ( v3-4 CJB)  The NASB translates that as "the one who remains faithful.. the steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace.. " But, we are most familiar with the King James version.. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee. " 

Are our minds -steadfast.. "stayed" on our God? -  The Hebrew word used here is 'camas' - to prop, lean upon, take hold of..  we "lean on" or "rest" on Him.. the One we trust - the One we run to for refuge, the One we are boldly confident in.. the One who we hope in.. the One who is our Rock. 

When we learn to truly do this.. we find "perfect peace".  Peace - shalom - is far more than just a comfortable feeling of serenity - it encompasses well being... safety, happiness, health, prosperity, favor, wholeness. We find that abundant life that Jesus came to bring us. 

In verse 12 Isaiah states, "Lord, Thou wilt establish peace for us, since Thou has also performed for us all our works. " The CJB says.. "because all we have done, you have done for us..."  Only because of His grace.. His power.. His wisdom.. His actions on our behalf.. can we have life. Only because of what He has done, can we "learn righteousness".  Only through His grace can we "perceive the majesty of the Lord." 

Isaiah inserts a prayer in verse 7.. "The way of the righteous is smooth; O Upright One, make the path of the righteous level."  It is a prayer that He would lead us in "paths of righteousness, for His name's sake."  ...That we might learn to wait for Him. .. That He would be the desire of our souls. That we would long for Him.. and seek Him diligently. ( v8-9)

Father in heaven, You are the One who works all things in us and for us.  "...You are very great; you are clothed with glory and majesty, wrapped in light as with a robe." ( Psalm 104:1) We bless You Lord. We are reminded by the psalmist of how You created everything.. for Your purposes; how You provide for every creature and satisfy each one with Your provisions. "In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of Your creations." You alone are God and we can rest.. stay our minds.. lean our whole selves.. confidently on You, for You are completely trustworthy!   In You we can and will find "perfect peace". Accomplish Your will in us today. Thank You!   Plant Your words  in our minds and hearts today we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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