Wednesday, February 17, 2021

 Isaiah 17-20  Israel had teamed up with Aram to try to defeat Assyria.  This "oracle" reveals that both Aram and Israel would be defeated.  Assyria would take them captive and plunder their land.  This would happen because they had "forgotten the God of [their] salvation.. "  The remnant left would be very few. 

The Lord also spoke of Ethiopia ( Cush) and Egypt.. the nations that Judah was looking to.. for help from the coming threats of Assyria.  Both of these nations would also fall.   But.. a day was.. is coming.. and the Lord, speaking through Isaiah, proclaims that His purposes would be fulfilled.

 "...The Lord will make Himself known to Egypt and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day.."

"In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the Lord of hosts has blessed saying, 'Blessed is Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel my inheritance." ( 19:25) 

From a time when nations fought against each other, abused one another, and conquered one another -to a day when the enemies of the past will become "blessings" of the Lord, worshiping together...  this is what God Himself has planned and He will fulfill His purposes. 

We live in a world today where nations still fight, still hate, still plot against each other.  We can learn something from Isaiah's messages.  It will not be an alliance of nations that will bring peace.  It will not be idols or wise men.. or anything else that will solve the global issues or famine, disease, or war.... or sin.   God alone can save.  He has sent "a Savior and a Champion.."  He will make Himself known.  He will bring healing.  He will bring His people into a new world where His blessings will flow. 

In that day.. there will be no more wars, no more suffering, and no more sin.  O come Lord Jesus, come!

Father in heaven,  You are the God of grace and justice.  Your ways are perfect and You plans are being fulfilled.  We look to the mountain of God to see Your standard raised. We listen for the sound of Your trumpet.  We wait with thankful hearts, that Jesus our Lord is coming back again. Father, there are many people who still need to turn back to You.  Open their eyes to see the warning signs.. the works of Your hands.. and the fulfillment of Your Word.  May they turn back to You that they might be Your people, the work of Your hands, and Your inheritance.  We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Champion. Amen. 

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