Friday, February 19, 2021

 Isaiah 25  Isaiah pauses... to sing..."Adonai, you are my God. I exalt You, I praise Your name. For You have accomplished marvels, [fulfilled] ancient plans faithfully and truly." ( v1 CJB)

All that God planned, He fulfilled. All that He has planned for the future.. He will complete.  Isaiah gives praise to Adonai, extolling His greatness.. Reminding us that He is  a ".. defense for the helpless.. the needy.."    and a  ".. a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat.." He is a good, good God!

He subdues the ruthless and silences the uproar of nations. Then and now.. and in the days to come..

He has planned a "lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain.."  Isaiah proclaims.  He will "swallow up death for all time. And the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces; And He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth;" 

The Word of the Lord will be accomplished according to His perfect plan.  We wait for that day. 

" On that day we will say, See! This is our God! We waited for him to save us. This is Adonai; we put our hope in Him. we are full of joy, so glad He saved us!" (v9 CJB) 

Father in heaven, we bless Your holy name. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Adonai, we wait for the day when we will see all of Your Word fulfilled.  But for now, we think of Your greatness..  help us to ..."forget none of [Your] benefits". (Psalm 103)  You forgive our offenses.  You heal our diseases. You redeem us from the pit. You surround us with grace and compassion.  You give us what is good.  You are merciful and compassionate. You have compassion on us, as a father does his children.  You know our weaknesses.  You understand our frailty.  You are  our King on High, with all power, all knowledge and wisdom, and You reign forever.  Keep us in Your merciful Hands.  May we honor and fear You and give You all praise and thanksgiving.  In the name of Jesus we come before You and ask that You help us to remain faithful and continually trust in You until that wonderful day.. Amen. 

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