Wednesday, February 3, 2021

 Isaiah 8  The Lord gives Isaiah a unique message for Judah - "Maher-shalal-hashbaz" - a name he was to give to his son who was not even conceived yet..   It was a war cry - "Swift is the booty, speedy is the prey".   The promise was that by the time this son was born and old enough to talk, Damascus and Israel who were terrifying Judah  would be taken captive by Assyria. 

Isaiah testified to his people that he and his children were given for "signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of Hosts.. " ( v18)   Isaiah's name meant "Yahweh is salvation"... a reminder that God would deliver His people.  "Maher-shalal-hashbaz" was a reminder that the alliance between Aram and Israel would be broken.  And, Isaiah's other son, Shear-Jashub which means "a remnant will return", was a promise that God would not completely destroy His people. 

Isaiah warned those who were consulting mediums and fortune-tellers to know the future..  that they were looking into death, darkness and would find only distress and anguish.  "Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?"  NO! They needed to turn to the only place where they would find Truth!

 "To the law and to the testimony"! Isaiah cries out, "It is the Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy. And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread. Then He shall become a sanctuary ..."  Like Isaiah we also need to "wait for the Lord".. to "look eagerly for Him."  We do that by studying and meditating on His Word. 

Psalm 91 echoes Isaiah's message " You who live in the shelter of Elyon, ( the Most High), who spend your nights in the shadow of Shaddai ( the Almighty), who say to Adonai, 'My refuge! My fortress! My God, in whom I trust!'  He will rescue you... he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his truth is a shield and protection." ( v1-4 CJB)  When we wait for the Lord.. when we look eagerly for Him... when we take refuge in Him and trust Him fully.. then we "will not fear the terrors of night or the arrow that flies by day, or the plague that roams in the dark.. " 

Judah failed to place their trust in their God and turn from their fears, even with Isaiah's testimony before them.  And often we fail too.. fail to believe that God is faithful and true. ..that He is a trustworthy Refuge and Fortress.  May God help us to fully trust in Him. 

Father, You are able to deliver us, heal us, help us, strengthen us, and keep us. Your promises are True and Your grace is sufficient. May we take shelter in You. May we turn our fears over to You. May we make You our dwelling place!  Thank You for Your Word, where we find hope and love and salvation.  Thank You for the promise that when we call on You, You will answer... and when we trust in You, You will rescue us. Be exalted O God, above the heavens!  Be glorified in all the earth! In Jesus' name we pray, amen. 

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