Monday, February 1, 2021

 Isaiah 6  This well know account of Isaiah's vision of the Lord and his calling to be a minister of the Lord is at once uplifting and devastating.  Isaiah.. "saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple." How wonderful and amazing that must have been.. yet how devastating to be a sin- filled human being in the Presence of One who is "Holy, Holy, Holy!" 

This incredible experience of a vision of the Lord's throne was only shared with a few individuals that we read about in the Word..  Ezekiel and John... perhaps Daniel and Paul.   Isaiah was struck with the knowledge of God's holiness and his own sinfulness. 

As we read in Isaiah 1,  Judah was indicted for their sin that began with a lack of knowledge and understanding. They did not know the Lord, and they did not understand His holiness.   The message had been proclaimed.. "wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, remove the evil of your deeds.. "  but they did not listen.  In chapter 5 we read about  the "woes" pronounced on Judah because of their greed, their evil lifestyles, and their refusal to call sin - sin.  They did not "pay attention to the deeds of the Lord, nor [did] they consider the work of His hands.. "  Isaiah was more than truthful when he confessed "Woe is me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips.."  Attitudes of the heart spill out in the actions and words of mankind.  Isaiah recognized his need.  Judah as a nation.. did not.  

 There are two contrasts presented here

1. - the holiness of God with the uncleanness of Judah;  

2. - the evilness of Judah's deeds and the wonder and awesomeness of the Lord's deeds, the works of His hands - which Judah failed to remember or acknowledge. 

Isaiah immediately humbled himself before the Lord, confessing his sin.  This resulted in his cleansing by the "burning coal" taken from the altar before the Lord.  His iniquity was taken away and his sin was forgiven.  Then, the Lord invited him to serve.. "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" 

Yet, when Isaiah answered "Here am I. Send me!", he did not know what that mission would entail.  He would go.  He would proclaim all the Lord told him to say.  But.. the people would not hear.. they would  not understand.. and they would not return to the Lord and be healed.   There would be only a remnant who would remain.. a stump left standing while the mighty tree was cut down. 

Praise the Lord for verse 13.. "The holy seed is its stump.."  Isaiah wrote in chapter 11 "Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit. and the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord."  

Yes, Isaiah would minister to a nation that would close their eyes and ears. But, the Lord would keep a remnant of faithful men and women. And out of that remnant, a nation would be rebuilt. And out of that nation a Son would be born.. the Holy Seed.  Praise the Lord!

Father in heaven, how we thank You for Jesus, the One who fulfilled all that You require for mankind.. all that we have failed to do and be.  We were counted among those who have ears but don't hear and eyes but don't see.. until we encountered the Grace and Truth that Jesus Christ has brought to the earth.  How precious is Your grace to us, that You sent Your Son to die for us..  when we were yet sinners.  Thank You for the Word. Thank You for sending out messengers of the Good News, so that we can hear, we can understand with our hearts.. we can return to You  and be healed!  We praise You, Lord!  Blessed be Your Name in all the earth. Amen. 

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