Tuesday, February 23, 2021

 Isaiah 27-29  Over and over, the message is repeated.. because of their sins against the Lord, Israel would be taken captive and Judah would go into exile.  The Word of God is so clear - Sin brings destruction. 

But, over and over again there is also a invitation given - repent and be forgiven; turn back to the Lord and be rescued. ( Lord, help us!)

Like Israel, we all face the same choice.  Like Israel, we lack discernment.( 27:11) Like Israel, people are confused, reeling from "wine and staggering from strong drink.." ( 28:7) Unable to hear.. unable to see... like Israel, we do not know the Word of God.. we can't even open the Book!( 29:11-12)

 The Lord says..  "Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me... I will once again deal marvelously with this people." (29:13-14)  Like Israel, we think the Lord does not see what we try to hide (v15). Like Israel, we try to tell the Potter that He did not make us and has no authority over us. (v16)

Just turn on the tv.. watch the news.. or any show at all... and see that America is in trouble... just as Israel was..  There is no discernment. There is way too much drunkenness and immorality.  If any mention of God's Word is given, it is perverted and taken out of context. People live as if God can't see or doesn't care how they live. People call themselves "christians", but have no idea what that really means. 

And in spite of all of this.. Jesus came.  In spite of this, Adonai spoke these words through Isaiah. "And on that day the deaf shall hear words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see. the afflicted also shall increase their gladness in the Lord, and the needy of mankind shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel." ( 29:18-19) 

That day is coming. We will see Him and rejoice in Him forever more. Thank You Lord, for salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Father, You are good. You are kind. You are patient. In spite of our sins, You have brought us to Yourself, that You might sanctify us to Yourself.  Thank You Lord! Father, grant discernment to the ignorant. Grant wisdom to the foolish. Grant repentance to the lost. Open eyes and ears even now.. to hear Your word and receive the salvation that Christ provides. We live in a lost and dying land and we see the warnings You have given, Lord.  Please let Your Word run rapidly and freely across our land again.. before it is too late.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. 

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