Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Deuteronomy 9 -10

In chapter 9 Moses reminds Israel that the Lord is the One giving them the new land.. NOT because they are righteous and have earned it.. but because the "nations have been so wicked that Adonai is driving them out ahead of you."  Then, he reviews all the times Israel rebelled against the Lord and would have been destroyed themselves, except for the prayers of Moses who interceded for them, and God's great mercy.

Moses prayed for the people who had heard the voice of God from the mountain.. entered into a covenant agreement with Him.. and then turned around and demanded an idol of metal while Moses was still on the mountain!  The anger of God would have wiped out the entire nation and started over with Moses.. but Moses, angry himself, spent 40 days pleading with God on their behalf.

In chapter 10 Moses addresses the people who would finally be entering the Promised Land -

"So now, Israel, all that Adonai your God asks from you is to fear Adonai your God, follow all his ways, love Him and serve Adonai your God with all your heart and all your being; to obey, for your own good, the [law] and regulations of Adonai which I give you today." v12-14

v20 "You are to fear Adonai your God, serve Him, cling to Him and swear by His name. He is your praise, and He is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things, which you have seen with your own eyes." 

We are given these Words so that we might also have a covenant relationship with Adonai, our God, "God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty and awesome God, who has no favorites and accepts no bribes. He secures justice for the orphan and the widow; he love the foreigner, giving him food and clothing." (v17-18)

 The instructions that Moses gave to Israel are valid for us today as followers of Christ Jesus.

Father in Heaven, God of gods and Lord of lords, great and mighty and awesome.. You are our praise.  You have done great and awesome things for us.. delivering us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the Kingdom of Christ Jesus, Your Son and  our Lord.  We fear You, in reverence and awe. We cling to You and serve You alone.  We will not bow to any false idol, for You alone are God. We love You and will follow Your ways, by the power of Your Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Father, we pray for those who are in rebellion against You, even now.. for those who make us angry, those who are filled with anger, and especially for those who are suffering. Let Your Kingdom come!
 In humility and with much thanksgiving we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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