Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Deuteronomy 29-30

The generation of Israelites that were adults as they fled from Egypt had made a covenant with God at Sinai, but then failed to keep that covenant when they rebelled, refusing to trust Him and enter the Land of Promise.  Forty years later, they were all gone except for Caleb and Joshua.  Moses leads the surviving generation to enter their own covenant with Adonai in the land of Moab.  He has reminded them of the laws and instructions that God commanded them to obey and the promises of blessing if they continued to keep His commands.  He also reminded them of the curses and consequences for turning away from God. 

Over and over Moses emphasized that the people needed to "choose life".. chose to love the Lord their God, choose to pay attention to the Words of God, and chose to obey...  "for this is the purpose of your life"!   (Deuteronomy 30:20)

God is the One who gives understanding, who circumcises hearts, who  gives purpose for living.. if we pay attention to what He says and cling to Him with ALL our hearts and all our being!   Like Israel we have been given the Word of God.. freely.. so that we can live.  We need to keep our side of the new covenant that was provided to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are His people and He is our God!  (see Hebrews 8:10)

Father in heaven,  help us.. open our eyes and circumcise our hearts so that we will live fully committed and obedient to Your Word. May we cling to You and love You and know You more and more.   Fulfill Your purposes for us by the power of Your Spirit we pray. In Jesus' name, amen. 

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