Monday, June 22, 2020

Deuteronomy 26-28

 Deuteronomy 26-28
These three chapters  instruct Israel about the blessings that were theirs if they would listen, observe, and do the things that Adonai commanded them and the curses that would come upon them if they didn't  listen and obey His Words.  It was all spelled out for them.. the blessings were beyond their greatest wishes.. the curses where beyond their worse fears. 

This is still the truth of God's ways towards mankind.  If we choose His ways in obedience and love, our Lord will provide for us abundantly more than we can ask or imagine.  But, if we refuse, the result is our own destruction.  It is our choice. 

If we belong to our Lord fully, we will listen to His voice and obey His commands.  He promises to bless us - wherever we are, in all that we do, whenever He chooses.  But, if we go our own ways and refuse to listen to His voice and obey His Word, then the curse will cover every area of our lives also... wherever we are, whatever we are doing, and whenever He chooses. 

Deut. 28:63 tells us that Adonai took joy in doing good for Israel when they obeyed His commands, but that He would take joy in causing them to perish and be scattered for their disobedience.. " Adonai will give you there anguish of heart, dimness of eyes and apathy of spirit." (v 65). 

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have been blessed "with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ". ( Ephesians 1:3).  Our Father has "lavished upon us"  His grace. He has made known to us "the mystery of His will".  He has given us an eternal inheritance.  He has given us "wisdom and insight".  He takes joy in blessing us with hope and peace and unending love.  We, in turn, worship Him, listen to His voice, and follow Him with all our hearts. 

But, for those who refuse to believe, to listen, and to obey the Word of God.. their end is destruction.  The Word of God warns us clearly.. over and over again that the deeds "of the flesh".. those things that are against the Word of God.. must be "put to death".. "crucified"  - deliberately and thoroughly dealt with in surrender and repentance in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 5:24) 

Father in heaven,  holy and sovereign God, we hallow Your Name.  You alone are God and there is no other.  Father, I pray that You will open our eyes to Your Truth.  Remove the veil from our eyes and the apathy in our spirits.  Bring a new, fresh awareness of Your Presence and power made available to us through Jesus Christ our Lord, that we might put aside.. crucify every fleshly desire and choose Life in love and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.  Do a new work in us.. in Your church... and in our land, we pray in Jesus' name. amen. 

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