Monday, June 29, 2020

I Corinthians 3

In the first two chapters of this letter Paul reminded the Corinthians that they had come to faith in Jesus Christ by "God's doing"... not by human wisdom or strength. Without the Spirit of God they would not even begin to grasp the truth.  In these next two chapters Paul confronts a major problem in the church - their worldliness.  They weren't growing spiritually.  The evidence that made this clear to Paul was the "jealousy and quarreling" among them.  They had missed the most important truth as they argued over whether Paul or Apollos or anyone else was there leader...  The Lord alone brought them to trust in Him.  He alone brings each of us to faith in Christ Jesus.  The Lord alone brings spiritual life and growth. 

Paul teaches that there is only one foundation - "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Yeshua the Messiah." ( v11)  Whatever else is added to this will be tested by fire, Paul says, and anything unworthy will be burned up.   Our works will only matter in the end if they are worthy of eternity, built on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. 

Paul also reminds us here that we are "God's temple".  God's Spirit - God's Presence fills His temple.  It is a holy place, set apart for Him alone. To do anything that "destroys" God's temple will bring about God's judgment.  The Corinthians had not learned the importance of remaining holy - individually or as a church. They were arrogant and prideful and totally "foolish" in their thinking.  

How many of those who call themselves Christians today fall into this same sinful attitude ?   God alone defines holiness.  We cannot be holy unless He makes us holy through Jesus Christ who is LORD.  To be holy is to be set apart for God... offered to God as "living sacrifices"( Romans 12:1); being transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can "know what God wants and will agree that what He wants is good, satisfying and able to succeed." 

Father in heaven, You alone are Holy and worthy of worship.  By Your amazing grace we are made new in Christ Jesus.  As Your servants, we surrender all to You.  We don't want to live worldly and unworthy lives, but to  be holy and obedient servants of our Lord.  Bring spiritual growth to us so that we may become mature, imitators of Jesus, to whom we belong.  Forgive us for arrogance and foolish  thinking and remove all the "wood, grass, or straw"  - the worthless things from our lives.  Build us up in the beauty and precious jewels  -the riches of Christ Jesus... riches of kindness, forbearance, patience, grace, wisdom, and knowledge -  that are in Him alone.  Let Your gracious will be done in each of us today we pray. Amen. 

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