Friday, June 12, 2020

Deuteronomy 22-25

Deuteronomy 22-25 -  These chapters are full of various laws that are strict and sometimes uncomfortable for us.  Yet, the bottom line is that God's desire for His people is that they are holy and that they love one another perfectly:

Loving your neighbor includes returning anything that he has lost and not ignoring it. 
It would include helping when you find something that belongs to your neighbor hurt or in need. 
It would include treating a wife.. or any woman with respect and kindness. 
It would include fairness in business and kindness to the poor. 

People of God who want to live holy lives should act in loving ways towards each other, respecting their marriages and the marriages of others.  They should keep their vows.  They should keep their homes free of things that are indecent or unholy in the Lord's eyes.  And they should take responsibilities seriously, pleasing the Lord in all they do by obedience to His Word. 

Most of all, Israel was reminded time and time again that the Lord had redeemed them from slavery in Egypt.. so they should treat others in the same way that they were treated.  Jesus taught,  "For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure it will be measured to you." ( Matt. 7:2) We have been forgiven much.. .we are called to forgive others.. even 70 times 7 times. 

Even though some of these laws are difficult.. we can see them summed up in what Jesus said, " You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind...You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  These are the greatest and foremost commandments according to Jesus.  As people of God, believers in Christ, it is our love that should shine through all we do - love for God and love for others.  ( Matthew 22:37-39)

Father in heaven, You are holy and righteous in all Your Ways. We fall far short of Your standards. Thank You for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Fill us with Your love so that we might live out that love towards others and that in obedience to Your Word we will love You with all of our hearts. Sanctify us that we might be Your holy people filled with Your love.  We desire to worship You alone and pray that You will be glorified in our lives and in Your church. Amen. 

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