Monday, June 1, 2020

Deuteronomy 8

Moses explains to the people that everything they experienced in the wilderness was used by the Lord to discipline them "just as a man disciplines his child."   And it was "to do you good in the end."(v16)

V3 "He humbled you, allowing you to become hungry, and then fed you with manna... to make you understand that a person does not live on food alone but on everything that comes from the mouth of Adonai." 

Adonai  their God - was bringing them into a land with abundant resources.  He had brought them through a "vast and fearsome desert, with poisonous snakes, scorpions, and waterless, thirsty ground.."  He provided water out of the rock and food out of the heavens.  It was His power that had taken them out of Egypt and that would bring them into the new land.

They just had to remember! Remember and obey. 

Again, I am reminded of the Lord's prayer - "Give us this day our daily bread."  When we pray this way we ask for what we need, acknowledging that we are fed by His Hand.  It is a humbling request.  We, like Israel, want to take credit - "you will think to yourself, 'My own power and the strength of my own hand have gotten me the power to get wealth'."   No, we have nothing that has not been given to us from the Hand of our God.  He will allow us to become hungry or thirsty.. or in need... or ill.. or whatever He chooses - to discipline us.. so that we also might understand that we only live on what "comes from the mouth of Adonai." 

Father, glorious in power, wisdom, and majesty, You are the Giver of Life.. You are God alone and there is no other.  We come before You with humble hearts to recognize and acknowledge that You alone are our Provider, our Creator, our Protector, and our Master.  We are totally dependent on You - for every piece of bread, for every breath, and for every heartbeat.  We do ask for daily bread, for forgiveness, for deliverance.. for mercy and for grace.  We do not want to forget.  Help us to remember and obey.. Every day and in every way, so that You will be glorified and honored in our lives.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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