Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Deuteronomy 31-34

Moses turned 120 years old.  He died "with eyes undimmed and vigor undiminished" on Mount Nebo. These last 4 chapters ( Deuteronomy 31-34)  contain a song, a blessing, and a eulogy.  Before Moses died, he knew that Israel would not remain faithful to Adonai their God.  He knew that the land they were going to possess would eventually be left behind as they were exiled.  He had done all he could and there was nothing else that he could do.  He fulfilled the role that God had called him to do and died in the Presence of the One he loved so much. 

We all will leave a legacy behind.  The kind of life we live will affect the next generations.. for good or for evil. It must have been heartbreaking for Moses to hear that the people he had led for those 40 years would not remain faithful to Adonai.  They didn't know Him like Moses did - face to face.  Tozer wrote this, "We can never know who or what we are till we know at least something of what God is. "  It is vital that we seek to know Him.. to know that we are totally dependent on Him , that without God there is no creation - including mankind. May we leave a legacy of faithfulness and love for God, walking in the Truth of His Word. 

I pray that we will not fall away as Israel did.  They were God's chosen people and they threw it all away for dust.. for nothing.  Our world is filled with people who are choosing Self instead of God. Sin has become so common that it is considered "natural".  We need a new awakening so that God is made known as He truly is.. "See now that I, yes I, am He; and there is no god beside me.  I put to death, and I make alive; I wound and I heal; no one saves anyone from my hand."  ( Deuteronomy 32:39)

Father in heaven,  You alone are God and there is none like You. Open our eyes, circumcise our hearts, and increase our knowledge of who You are.  Fill our hearts with a hunger and thirst for Yourself. Lift our thoughts above the emptiness  of the things of this world, to see Your glory!  Help us to know You so that we can know who we are.. Your creation.. Your servants.. Your children.   May we be able to declare with great joy- "I am Yours and You are mine."  Amen and amen!

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