Monday, June 8, 2020

Deuteronomy 16

Deuteronomy 16  This chapter reviews the three major feasts that the Israelites were to observe "in the place where Adonai your God will choose to have his name live".   We know that He chose Jerusalem to be that place.  The holy city is dear to our Lord's heart. It was the place where David settled down.  It was the place where the temple was constructed.  And it was the place where Jesus was condemned to die. One day... Jerusalem will be made new.. and it will be more glorious than we can imagine. It will be a place where we will remember and rejoice with our God and King!

These two words stand out in this chapter:  remember and rejoice

".. remember the day you left the land of Egypt as long as you live..." ( v3)  They were to remember it by sacrificing the passover lambs.. They were to remember it by removing yeast from their homes. They were to remember it by leaving work undone and by having "a festive assembly"

Yesterday we had communion at our church.  We were reminded of the words of Paul from
 I Corinthian's "This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance.. This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this as often as you drink [the cup] in remembrance of Me..."  

We remember, not an escape from slavery in Egypt, but the rescue that Jesus has provided from the slavery of sin, darkness, and death. Remembering is important and we need to be deliberate in our taking of communion, to really remember how Jesus died for us.. "remember the day.. "  Remember, so that our love does not grow cold, that we do not lose our "first love". Remember the price that was paid for our deliverance.

And then we can truly REJOICE!   Israel was commanded to rejoice in the first fruits of their harvests.  "Adonai your God will bless you in all your crops and in all your work, so you are to be full of joy!" (v15)  The whole family, as well as the slaves, the foreigners, the widows and orphans were to rejoice together during these festivals ( the feast of weeks and the feast of booths).  But, there was an important responsibility as they gathered to rejoice together:
"They are not to show up before Adonai empty-handed, but every man is to give what he can, in accordance with the blessing Adonai your God has given you." 

Father in heaven, we rejoice in this great salvation that You have provided through Jesus Christ the True Passover Lamb.  We remember.  Help us to keep our hearts and minds from forgetting or taking for granted what Jesus did for us. May our love grow deeper and our steadfastness in Christ be firmly established.  We remember and we rejoice .. in the Name of our Lord Jesus, who is the radiance of Your glory, the heir of all things, the One who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on High. Amen.

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