Friday, May 29, 2020

Deuteronomy 6-7

Deuteronomy 6 and 7  underscore the importance of observing the commandments of God.  His Words are Life and Wholeness and Blessing!   In chapter 6 we find the most important prayer of the Jewish faith.. "Hear Israel! Adonai our god, Adonai is one, and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, all your being, and all your resources." ( v. 4-5 ; CJB)

God would bring Israel into a land prepared for them.. there would be cities that they didn't have to build, houses full of furnishings they didn't have to buy; wells they didn't have to dig; vineyards and groves that they didn't have to plant.  All they needed to do was "be careful not to forget Adonai." 

Fear Him; serve Him; do what is right and good... and everything would be theirs.   It was good land and the Lord was giving them everything that they could ever want..
God would bless them and increase their numbers.
He would bless the "fruit of your body and the fruit of your ground.. 
He would bless them more than any other nation.
He would remove any illnesses.
He would fight every enemy.
There would be no one able to stand against them.

...  how heartbreaking that they did forget.. they did turn to false gods.. they didn't teach their children the Laws or the love for God and all those blessings were lost.

Father in heaven, You alone are God, the Self-existent, infinite Creator of everything that exists.  All that You have revealed to us about Yourself is so amazing and beyond our grasp to even imagine.. and then the thought that You are even greater still.. for You are infinite.. Oh the Majesty of Your glory!  We exalt You!  That You have loved us and brought us into Your Kingdom through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.. how can we ever say thank You enough?  We love You from the depths of our hearts.. with all that is in us.. with all that we have.. knowing this all comes from You in the first place.  May we never forget, never turn away, never give up this covenant of Love that You have given us in Christ Jesus.  All glory and honor and praise to our great and glorious God! Amen.

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