Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Exodus 8-12  As the events chronicled here progressed, not only did the Lord reveal Himself as I wrote about yesterday, but there are noticeable changes in the people through these days.

Look at Moses.  He didn't want this job, but with Aaron's help, he did what the Lord told him to do.
It was an overwhelming task!  He had to confront Pharaoh, convince the people of Israel to follow him, and speak for God.  When the first contact with Pharaoh did not go well and he actually increased the workload of the Israelites.. it looked like utter failure.  But, Moses went to the Lord who told him, "Now you shall see what I will do..  I am the Lord... " The Lord gives Moses some very precious and powerful promises..

" I am the Lord, and I will bring you out form under the burdens of the Egyptians, 
and I will deliver you from their bondage. 
I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgements.  
Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God; 
and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, 
who brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. 
And I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, 
and I will give it to you for a possession; 
I am the Lord."(6:6-8)

Moses spoke these words to Israel, but they would not listen. He was not convinced even then that speaking with Pharaoh would produce any results, but the Lord gave Moses and Aaron "a charge to the sons of Israel and to Pharaoh king of Egypt.. "  He told Moses, " See, I make you as God to Pharaoh and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet."  And Moses and Aaron obeyed. 
Notice the changes in Moses, Pharaoh, and both the Egyptians and the Israelites. 

In 7:8-13 Aaron's rod became a snake.. and Pharaoh did not listen. 

In 7:14-25 The Nile's water turned into blood and Pharaoh did not listen or act concerned. 

In 8:1-15 - Moses commanded Aaron to stretch out his staff and the frogs came.  Pharaoh asked Moses to "entreat the Lord" and he did.. and the frogs died.  But Pharaoh did not listen. 

In 8:16-32 Moses instructed Aaron to strike the dust and gnats covered everything;  Pharaoh's magicians couldn't compete; the land of Goshen was spared.. and  Pharaoh tried to bargain with Moses.. offering a time of sacrifices for the Israelites, but not far away.. Then he hardened his heart and would not keep even that agreement. 

In 9:1-7 Moses spoke directly to Pharaoh about the pestilence that would kill the livestock.  The Hebrews animals were spared.  Pharaoh's heart was hardened.

In 9:8-17  Moses threw the soot into the sky and boils broke out on all the Egyptians.  This time we are told that "the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart".  Moses has a specific message for Pharaoh. The only reason Pharaoh is still alive, is because God is allowing him to live and see the Lord's power. 

In 9:18-35 The Lord warned everyone that He was going to send hail.  If they "feared the Word of the Lord" and brought everything inside.. they could be safe.  If not, they would be struck.  Even some Egyptians believed and were helped.  It is now Moses, not Aaron, who stretched out the staff.. and the hail began.  Only in Goshen was there no hail.  This time Pharaoh confessed that he had sinned, that the Lord was righteous, and asked Moses to pray for him.  Yet after the storm ended, he again hardened his heart. 

In 10: 1-20 The plague of locusts is sent.  Moses tells Pharaoh that he needs to humble himself before God.  Pharaoh's servants try to convince him to let the Israelites go before all Egypt is destroyed; and again Pharaoh tries to bargain with Moses, offering to allow the men alone to go offer their sacrifices. 
When the locusts come, Pharaoh calls for Moses and Aaron, confesses his sin, asks for forgiveness and for prayer to remove the locusts.  But, again the Lord hardens Pharaoh's heart. 

10:21-29 This time the plague is darkness.  Pharaoh's bargain this time is to allow all the people to go, but without their animals.  Moses bolder and more confident.. refuses.  Pharaoh throws him out and threatens him if he ever sees him again. 

11-12  The final, most horrific plague is set in motion.  All first borns in the land of Egypt, including Pharaoh's own son, would die.  Only those of Israel would be spared and then only when the blood of the passover lamb was applied to the doorposts.  Not only would Israel be allowed to leave.. they would be driven out!  They would go with gold and silver from their Egyptian neighbors.  They would go with unleavened bread.  They would go 430 years to the day.. 600.000 men plus their families.. They would go, according to the Word and the Power of the Lord. 

Father in heaven, You are mighty to save.  You accomplish Your will Your way.  And Your ways are perfect.  We don't always understand, but we are thankful to have Your Word and Your Spirit that we might walk in faith, believing that You alone are God, there is none like You, and that You will do what You have promised.  Have your way in us today, to the glory of Your holy name. Amen. 

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