Thursday, October 17, 2019

Exodus 17:8-16  The water was given and the panic settled.. and then the enemy attacked.. this time in the form of the Amalek army.   Joshua was put in charge of gathering men for an army.  These people had been slaves and builders for all their lives.  Now, they were nomads and  had to become warriors.   Life had changed. But, having just witnessed the power of God to produce abundant water from the rock.. it appears that they were ready to fight and trust in the  Lord.

Moses, Aaron, and Hur go up to the top of a hill to watch the battle.  Moses lifted the staff of God and the Israelite army prevailed.  But, when his arms grew tired... the moment his arms went down, the Amalekite  army prevailed.  So, Aaron and Hur came along side Moses and held up his arms until the victory was won.  Not only was Amalek defeated, but they would be completely blotted out "from under heaven."  Many years later, Saul was given the job of finishing off the last of this nation.  He actually failed, for he allowed the king, Agag, to live.  It was Samuel who completed the work and fulfilled God's promise.

Moses built an altar and named it "The Lord is my Banner."  Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord, the self-existent , eternal God who has revealed Himself is the flag we fly; the standard, the sign, the beacon we raise;  He is our signal;  

Israel was becoming a nation for the first time in its history.  This event established them as a nation with an army-  serving under the flag of Jehovah.

We live in a country that proudly flies a flag of red, white, and blue.  Our military, especially, show great respect for the American flag.  It is our banner, a sign that represents this nation.  Where this symbol is presented.. we instantly recognize its significance.

Moses was proclaiming to Israel.. and to every other nation that they would come into contact with.. that the Lord, Jehovah.. was their banner.  The significance and meaning of this goes beyond any national flag or symbol.   The nation of Israel belonged to, chosen by, and uniquely protected by God.

Is the Lord our Banner?  Yes!  We are called His servants, His people.. His possessions.  Let us recognize and proclaim Him in all that we do and say.

Father, be glorified in our lives today.  Help us to understand and to grow in the knowledge of our God, for You alone are worthy of our love and devotion.  May we do Your will and obey Your word.  May we proclaim that You are our Banner.  Amen.

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