Thursday, October 24, 2019

Exodus 24 The people of Israel were gathered at the base of Mount Sinai. The top of the mountain was covered by a cloud.  They had seen the lightning and fire. They had heard the thunder and trumpets of God!  Moses alone was allowed up the mountain at first.  When he came down, it was with the commandments of God.  And the people proclaimed, " All the words which the Lord has spoken we will do!"  ( v3)  Then they repeated this again, " All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient!" ( v7)

Moses was then instructed to bring Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, his sons, plus 70 of the elders, up the mountain.  There they "saw the God of Israel; and under His feet there appeared to be a pavement of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself."

Then Moses was invited to come up further on the mountain, into the cloud where the "glory of the Lord rested..." To the people it appeared that the top of the mountain top was on fire.  Moses remained there  40 days and nights while he received all of the instructions for the tabernacle and its furniture, etc.   Moses was shown the pattern that all this would be modeled after. God's plan was to dwell among His people.

We know what happened while Moses was on the mountain.  But, let's just focus on that moment.. when God came down and met with men. When He allowed them to witness first hand, His voice, His Glory.. His throne.  What an amazing moment that must have been!  Of course they would proclaim their allegiance and pledge their obedience.  But, it was so short-lived.. so shallow.

Do we do the same?  Do we make our confessions, pledge our faith, promised to obey.. and then go on living as if none of that mattered?  So many people do just that.  Let us not.. Oh Lord God, help us to not live that way!

Father in heaven,  You are the same God who is a consuming fire!  You have made us, and You alone can save us. Bring us into steadfast faith and keep us abiding in Jesus, the True vine.  May we not live shallow lives, but full and complete lives in Christ Jesus.  May Your will be done.. always, completely, and perfectly.. in each of us today.   We cannot do this by our own strength, wisdom, or effort.  We are utterly dependent on You.. for every breath, every thought, and every action.  Fill us again, continually, with Your Holy Spirit, we pray.  In Jesus' Holy name. Amen

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