Friday, October 11, 2019

Exodus 15 This song of Moses is a new song - a song that exalts the Lord who has revealed Himself to His people.  They have come to know Him in a way that they never did before.  Moses has been utterly transformed by his new understanding and knowledge of the Lord.  In praise and worship, the people sing and dance, rejoicing at the greatness of their God.

v1 - He is "highly exalted" - or gloriously triumphant!
v2 - He is their personal strength, their song, and their salvation.  He is their God.
v3- He is a warrior.
v4 - He cast Pharaoh's army into the sea.
v6 - His "right hand" - the Hand of power is majestic.
v7 He is  greatly excellent!
v11 - There is no other god like Him.  He is " awesome in praises, working wonders." 
v13 - In His lovingkindness He redeemed His people and led them out of captivity.
v14-15 - All the nations trembled because of what the Lord did to Egypt.
v16 - He purchased His people by the "greatness of [His] arm." 
v17 - He had a plan for His people and He would complete it.
v18- His reign is eternal. 

This is the God that Israel began to know  and they still  had a long way to go.  There was so much more that they needed to learn.  The Lord began to teach them right away - bringing them out of Egypt and into a wilderness with no water.  When they came to Marah and found the water bitter, they started to complain, but God gave Moses a tree.. added to the water, this tree brought healing.  The Lord thus revealed to them another truth - "I, the Lord, am your healer."   He made a promise to them - if they would obey His voice and keep His commandments then He would keep them from all the diseases that He had put upon the Egyptians.  This is an amazing promise!

Father God, You are highly exalted!  You are majestic in power and great in lovingkindness.  You are the Only God and Your reign is forever and ever.  Great and excellent is Your Name.  Help us to know You more and exalt You always, Lord.  Thank You that You have redeemed us.. purchasing us by the blood of Jesus Christ, Your Beloved Son.  Thank You for being our Healer, our Sanctifier, our Savior, and our King.  Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the radiance of Your glory and the exact representation of Your character.  Through His Name we come to You and pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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