Thursday, October 3, 2019

Exodus 1-2  Jacob and 70 of his family went to live in Egypt while Joseph was alive.  Exodus begins hundreds of years later.  Joseph is long gone. The leadership of Egypt has completely changed.  The family of Jacob/Israel has grown into a vast, mighty multitude. Unfortunately they were made slaves and driven to hard labor. The midwives were ordered to kill all male babies so that the people would not gain any more power.. but they would not do it.  Then, came Moses.

Moses was born in one of the worst periods of history. He was born in one of the worst places for a Hebrew child to be born. Yet, God had His hand on Moses from the moment he was born.
His life was preserved.
His family was blessed.
His opportunities were multiplied.

But, Moses killed an Egyptian man and had to run for his life.
Even then, God directed him to Midian and prepared him for a future ministry.. to become a deliverer of the people of God.

Moses spent 40 years as a prince in Egypt.
Then he spent 40 years as a shepherd in Midian.
It is only after these two periods of preparation.. does Moses meet God.  From that minute on everything changed.

Life is complicated sometimes.  We cannot know what changes God has in store for us.
But, we know that He has us in His hands and He is preparing us to meet Him .. face to face.

Heaven is nearer then we think.
Jesus is coming soon.
I'm convinced that it could be any time now.
Yet, even so,  I live like the Israelites in Egypt.. groaning and sighing.. and not knowing that the Deliverer is on His way.

Father in heaven, open our eyes and fill our hearts with Yourself.  May we be alert and ready.. listening for the sound of the trumpet and the return of our Lord Jesus.  May we wait with expectant hearts.. and may we be faithful to the end.  Father, we live in a world that needs to turn to Jesus, to repent, to fear You.  We need revival of Your church and revival among the nations.  May the Word of the Lord "spread rapidly and be glorified" in our land and around the world.  Stir us up and strengthen us in Your Spirit.  May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done! Send workers into the harvest.. in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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