Monday, October 21, 2019

Exodus 19-20  Israel had the opportunity to become a nation unlike any other.  The Lord chose them to be His own possession, set apart as a "kingdom of priests".   The Lord had brought them out of Egypt by His powerful Hand, to bring them  to Himself.  Three months after their escape, they arrive at Mount Sinai.

God had revealed Himself to them as their Redeemer, with the blood of the lamb allowing the angel of death to pass over their homes.  He had revealed Himself as their Provider, bringing water from the rock and manna from heaven.  He had revealed Himself as their Banner, giving them victory over the Amalekite army. Now, He is revealing Himself as their King and Sovereign God, giving them the Laws that would establish them as His nation.

The Lord, Himself,  comes to the mountain.  This is really remarkable!  He comes with fire and smoke, thunder and lightning and the sound of  trumpets.  God, the Creator of the universe stepped down from His throne onto a mountain top in Sinai. This caused the mountain to quake and the people to tremble.  He wanted the people to know Him, but, they had to be consecrated, cautious, and obedient.  The warning to not touch the mountain... to set boundaries around it, repeating this twice.. gives a clear picture of the tremendous importance and seriousness of this event.  Serious is not strong enough of a word for this moment in history!

The Lord begins to tell Moses the Law that will govern this nation that He is making a covenant with.  We know these well.. ten commandments that clearly spell out Israel's relationship with God and with each other.

1 They were to have only ONE God.
2 They were not allowed to make any images or idols.
3 They were to hallow His name and never use it "in vain" - for evil; falsely; deceptively; uselessly;
4 They were to remember the Sabbath day - a day set aside for rest;  a day of no work; a day that commemorated the 7th day of creation and God's own rest.

These first four commands established the rules for man's relationship with God.. Jesus summed it up with " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind."  He summed up the next 6 with, " You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

5 They were commanded to honor their parents.  Love begins at home.
6 They were commanded to not murder.... life has value!
7 They were commanded to not commit adultery.. marriage is to be valued.
8 They were commanded to not steal... respect for other's property.
9 They were commanded to not lie.. ( bear false witness).. respect for truth.
10 They were commanded to not covet what their neighbor owned... respect for others and contentment with your own belongings.

Coming out of Egypt and a culture of idolatry; wickedness; and violence - these commands were a radical change for the people of Israel.   If only they would have kept them!

Father in heaven, Your Kingdom come!  We want to live in this way, with love for You and love for others.  Thank You for the righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ that will bring us fully into Your perfect kingdom.  We fall so far short of Your mark.. as individuals and as a nation.  Forgive us our trespasses, Lord. Deliver us from evil, Lord. Help us to walk in Your ways every day of our lives.  In Christ we pray, amen.

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