Friday, October 18, 2019

Exodus 18  Jethro brings Zipporah, Moses' wife, and their two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, to the Israelite camp.  Jethro was known as the "priest of Midian".  He was a descendant of Abraham, but not of Isaac.  He did have a knowledge of and fear of God.  He seems to have a new understanding after the events of Moses and Israel are told to him.  He said, "Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods; indeed it was proven when they dealt proudly against the people."   He took a burnt offering and sacrifices to God.  These are the first sacrifices recorded since the Israelites left Egypt.

Jethro was a man of wisdom.  He questioned Moses when he observed him spending hour after hour judging small disputes between the people.  It was too much!  Jethro said, "You will surely wear out, both yourself and these people who are with you, for the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone."  Jethro gave wise counsel to Moses and Moses listened and did what he said.   It was time to set up an organized system of government for this nation that was just birthed.  God would speak through Moses, who would then teach the leaders "the statutes and the laws, and make them known to them the way in which they are to walk, and the work they are to do." 

Moses appointed leaders over thousands, over hundreds, over fifties, and over tens.  Small disputes would be dealt with at the lowest courts and when things were more difficult they would come before Moses.   I wonder if the many "sundry laws" and ordinances etc.  were answers to some of these disputes.

The Israelites made their way to Mount Sinai.  Here God was going to meet them and give them the ten commandments - their constitution... if you will.  This covenant between God and Israel would make them uniquely His people.

Father in heaven,  we also have a covenant with You through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.  We have become Your people, set apart to walk in Your ways and to do the work You give us.  May we be faithful servants, knowing that You are our great and Mighty God.  Spirit of God come and fill us once again we pray, so that we may be all that You have desired us to be.  In the name of Jesus we ask this.  Amen.

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