Thursday, October 10, 2019

Exodus 13-14  Israel is given two commands that would help them remember that the Lord delivered them with "a powerful hand": 

First, they were to go seven days eating only unleavened bread and then celebrate the Passover feast.. every year.  They were to make sure to tell their children why this is celebrated. It was an important reminder of God's power and deliverance.

Secondly, they were to "devote the first offspring of every womb"  to the Lord.  The firstborn sons had to be "redeemed" and the firstborn of the beasts were sacrificed, except for the donkeys, which were redeemed by the offering of a lamb.  This was a vivid reminder of the night when every first born in Egypt was killed.

 The Lord then led the Israelites into a precarious place at the edge of the Red Sea.  The pillar of cloud/fire was given. The angel of the Lord was present, also.  But, when the people saw the Egyptian chariots and army, they panicked.

Moses, however, didn't waver:  "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." 

The Lord did something that no one could have expected!  He parted the Red Sea and the people walked across it on dry ground.  Then He closed it over the Egyptian army and they were completely wiped out.

I'm reading a wonderful little book by Andrew Murray called Waiting on God.  Today I read this:

Learn to worship God as the God who does wonders, 
who wishes to prove in you that He can do
something supernatural and divine. 
Bow before Him, wait upon Him,
until your soul realizes that you are in the hands
of a divine and almighty worker. 
Consent but to know what and how He will work.
Expect it to be something Godlike,
something to be waited for in deep humility, and received
only by His divine power.

Murray says that we mustn't just wait on the things we think we need.. but to wait on God for that which HE KNOWS we need... What His heart wants for us.. far beyond anything we can ask or think.

Isn't this what happened to Israel. They never thought to ask God to split the waters of the Red Sea. But, God wanted to show them that He was the Lord.  He would fight for them. He would be honored and glorified by His work on their behalf.  And, they finally believed.. at least for a little while. 

Father, may our faith in You not waver!  May we know You, the God Who does wonders. The God who is infinite in love and power and wisdom and grace.  We wait on You.. not knowing what it is that we are waiting for.. but putting our hope in You.  May Your will be done and Your Great Name praised!   In the Name of Jesus, our Redeemer, we pray. Amen. 

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