Thursday, October 31, 2019

Exodus 31-40  The Lord appointed Bezalel and Oholiab to head up the actual building and craftsmanship of the tabernacle.  They were filled with the Holy Spirit to do the work.  And it was done exactly as the Lord commanded..

But.. there was the incident of the golden calf. (Ch. 32) While Moses remained on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights, the people became restless.  They forgot everything that they had learned about God and demanded an idol.  Amazingly.. it was Aaron who actually made the golden calf.  If not for the intercession of Moses, the whole nation of Israel would have been wiped out completely for this sinful rebellion.  As it was, many were killed.

Moses refused to go up to the promised land without the Lord. He chose instead to ask that he come even closer to the Lord.. to see His glory.  And the Lord did that for Moses.  In fact, it was after this that Moses began to meet with the Lord in a way that caused his face to actually shine.

After this the people seemed to repent of their sin of worshiping the golden calf.  They brought contributions in abundance for the construction of the tabernacle.  The work was completed exactly as the Lord commanded.  Then He came upon the tabernacle and filled it with His glory... a cloud by day and fire by night.

What strikes me as amazing is that even after Aaron had made the golden calf, he was still chosen by the Lord to be His priest and to minister before Him... to be consecrated, anointed, holy to the Lord.
The Lord knows each of us, just like He knew Aaron, and He still chooses to transform us into His holy servants.. even after we have failed Him completely.  

My favorite part of this book is found in Chapter 34, verses6-7.. when the Lord passes by Moses and proclaims.. " The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished... " This is God's description of Himself!  

Father in heaven, how thankful we are that You are the Lord God who is compassionate and gracious.  Lord we do not want to be obstinate, rebellious, or disobedient to Your Word.  Forgive us for every transgression we pray.  We want to do Your will and ask that You fill us with Your Spirit so that we will have wisdom, skill, knowledge, and understanding to complete whatever job that You have for us to do. May everything we do be done for Your glory.   We choose to listen and obey, to trust You with all our hearts and to lean on You.  May Your will be done and Your glory made known in us today. In Jesus' name we pray this.  Amen.

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