Thursday, October 31, 2019

Exodus 31-40  The Lord appointed Bezalel and Oholiab to head up the actual building and craftsmanship of the tabernacle.  They were filled with the Holy Spirit to do the work.  And it was done exactly as the Lord commanded..

But.. there was the incident of the golden calf. (Ch. 32) While Moses remained on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights, the people became restless.  They forgot everything that they had learned about God and demanded an idol.  Amazingly.. it was Aaron who actually made the golden calf.  If not for the intercession of Moses, the whole nation of Israel would have been wiped out completely for this sinful rebellion.  As it was, many were killed.

Moses refused to go up to the promised land without the Lord. He chose instead to ask that he come even closer to the Lord.. to see His glory.  And the Lord did that for Moses.  In fact, it was after this that Moses began to meet with the Lord in a way that caused his face to actually shine.

After this the people seemed to repent of their sin of worshiping the golden calf.  They brought contributions in abundance for the construction of the tabernacle.  The work was completed exactly as the Lord commanded.  Then He came upon the tabernacle and filled it with His glory... a cloud by day and fire by night.

What strikes me as amazing is that even after Aaron had made the golden calf, he was still chosen by the Lord to be His priest and to minister before Him... to be consecrated, anointed, holy to the Lord.
The Lord knows each of us, just like He knew Aaron, and He still chooses to transform us into His holy servants.. even after we have failed Him completely.  

My favorite part of this book is found in Chapter 34, verses6-7.. when the Lord passes by Moses and proclaims.. " The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished... " This is God's description of Himself!  

Father in heaven, how thankful we are that You are the Lord God who is compassionate and gracious.  Lord we do not want to be obstinate, rebellious, or disobedient to Your Word.  Forgive us for every transgression we pray.  We want to do Your will and ask that You fill us with Your Spirit so that we will have wisdom, skill, knowledge, and understanding to complete whatever job that You have for us to do. May everything we do be done for Your glory.   We choose to listen and obey, to trust You with all our hearts and to lean on You.  May Your will be done and Your glory made known in us today. In Jesus' name we pray this.  Amen.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Exodus 30  This chapter contains instructions for the altar of incense and  the bronze laver for washing.  It also gives the recipe for the anointing oil and incense.

The Lord instructs Moses and the priests to preserve the oil and incense in these proportions exclusively for the tabernacle.  The anointing oil is so holy that all of the furniture , the utensils, and people involved in the work of the tabernacle are anointed with it, consecrating them.. "that they may be most holy; whatever touches them shall be holy." 

Both the anointing oil and the incense are not to be ever mixed or used by anyone else.. "Whoever shall mix any like it, or whoever puts any of it on a layman, shall be cut off from his people." (v33 and 38) .

The oil and incense would have beautiful aromas.  The incense was to be offered on the incense altar twice a day, morning and evening by Aaron, the high priest.  The oil was used only to consecrate the priests and the items in the tabernacle.

The emphasis here is on holiness. The Lord required His people to acknowledge and understand that everything about Him is holy.. separated,  set apart, from what is common.  These items revealed that holy distinction.  Over and over again the Lord taught His people to distinguish between what is holy and what is common. This has never changed, but we have lost sight of this.

Jesus taught us to pray.. " Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallow be Your Name."  His name is to be set apart, hallowed, treated with a sacred reverence.  This reflects the third commandment - "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.."  

Tozer writes this about God's holiness - "We know nothing like divine holiness. It stands apart, unique, unapproachable, incomprehensible and unattainable.  The natural man is blind to it. He may fear God's power and admire His wisdom, but His holiness he cannot even imagine." 

Father in heaven, Holy One, we hallow Your Name,  acknowledging  that You alone are Holy.  Yet You require us to be holy as You are Holy.  It is here that we recognize our utter failure and inability to be holy apart from the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ the Lord. We receive His righteousness as we trust in Him.  Thank You for this grace.. this gift that is far above anything we can even ask for or imagine.  Fill us with Your Spirit again Lord, consecrating us, setting us apart for the work of Your ministry.. whatever that might be this day.  It is in the Name of Jesus we ask this. Amen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Exodus 29   The Lord gives Moses detailed instructions for consecrating the priests,  beginning with Aaron and his sons.  It is not a simple ceremony.  It is complex and filled with meaning.  To consecrate - to make, pronounce, clean, appoint, dedicate - hallow, holy.   This was a calling like no other.. to be a mediator between God and man; to serve the Living God who came to dwell among His people.  There had to be a transformation in these men and the dedication process illustrated the need...

First, Aaron and his sons were brought to the doorway of the tent and washed.  Their clothes were changed into the garments that were prepared specifically for this ministry.  Aaron was anointed with oil. His sons were dressed and ordained.

Then, the bull was brought to the tent and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on it.  It was sacrificed as a sin offering. Its blood was used on the horns of the altar and around its base.  Some of the entrails were burned on the altar, but the flesh, hide, and refuse were burned outside the camp.

Next, a ram was sacrificed and offered wholly to the Lord as a burnt offering.  "it is a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the Lord." 

Then, the other ram was brought.  Aaron and his sons laid their hands on it and then it was slaughtered.  The blood of this ram was used to anoint Aaron and his sons - on their right ears, right thumbs, and right toes.. The rest was spread around the altar.  Then some of the blood mixed with oil was sprinkled on Aaron's clothes and on his son's clothes!  Their beautiful, white robes were intentionally stained with blood!   Some of the meat from this ram was used as a wave offering or heave offering.  Some would be given to Aaron and his sons to eat.  Because it was offered first to the Lord, this would be holy and only those who had been consecrated could even touch it or eat it.

Every day the priests were to offer two lambs on the altar. One in the morning and one in the evening. Along with the lambs, which were to be 1 year old, a bread of flour and oil and some wine would be offered.  It was to be continually offered.

They were commissioned for this ministry before God. "It shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the doorway of the tent of meeting before the Lord where I will meet with you, to speak to you there. And I will meet there with the sons of Israel, and it shall be consecrated by My glory.... And I will dwell among the sons of Israel and I will be their God. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I am the Lord their God." 

Washed, anointed, a sin offering, a burnt offering, a wave offering, a blood anointing - all to consecrate these 5 men to meet with the Lord. And men think they can just send up an SOS to the "man upstairs"!   Our world has no understanding of Who the Lord our God really is!

We know that Jesus came to be our Mediator and Great High Priest.  He was washed in the baptism of John.  He was anointed by the Holy Spirit.  He became our sin offering, with His body taken outside the camp.  He was the Lamb of God, slain for us.  He told His followers that, " He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life.. "  He came to speak to us.. to dwell among us.. to abide with us, so that we will know that He is the Lord our God.

Every part of the Law has been fulfilled by Jesus. No more daily offerings are needed, for our Perfect High Priest completed it all. "But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood,  He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. " ( Hebrews 9:11-12)

Father in heaven, we hallow Your Name. You are a great and Holy God.  You are our God and we are Your people, through Jesus Christ our perfect High Priest. Hallelujah!  Thank You for this great gift of salvation.  We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!  Be exalted O Lord.  May we walk in full surrender and obedience to Your Word, according to the power of Your Spirit who fills us by Your grace.  May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  In the name of Jesus our Lord we pray.  Amen.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Exodus 28

Directions are given for the clothing of the priests.  Aaron and his sons are appointed to serve as priests to the Lord.  These garments are "for glory and for beauty".   Every part was purposely designed as God directed.  The robe, the ephod, the breastplate, the turban... all had special meaning.

One of the most important things was the engraving on the turban.. "Holy to the Lord".  The high priest had this on his forehead as he entered into the holy place.  It gave Aaron a great authority and responsibility.. " And it shall be on Aaron's forehead, and Aaron shall take away the iniquity of the holy things which the sons of Israel consecrate, with regard to all their holy gifts; and it shall always be on his forehead, that they may be accepted before the Lord." 

The other thing that stands out to me in this description is that there are two "memorials" attached to the garment that represent the 12 tribes of Israel.  On the shoulders there were two stones, six names engraved on each stone, "as a jeweler engraves a signet.. " The Lord directed this so that "Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord on his two shoulders for a memorial." 

The "breastplate of judgement" also represented the 12 tribes.  12 separate jewels, each representing a tribe. ."And the stones shall be according to the names of the sons of Israel; they shall be like the engravings of a seal, each according to his name for the twelve tribes." ( v21)

The high priest was the mediator between the people of God and God Himself.  Even the gifts that they offered to God came with iniquity that had to be taken away... made holy to the Lord.  And the people themselves were brought before the Lord by the stones with their names engraved.

Jesus, our Great High Priest, offered Himself.. sinless before the Father... and our names are written on His Hands..  There is so much more meaning in the priests garments than we can even know...

Father in heaven,  thank You for Jesus, our Great High Priest, the Mediator between You and mankind. He is perfectly holy!  He became like us so that He might truly represent us before the Throne. Teach us these truths and give us greater understanding that we might give You more praise and honor and glory.  Amen.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Exodus 25-27  God gave Moses detailed instructions for the building of the Tabernacle.  It was really quite remarkable.  We know that He had instructed the Israelites to receive many "gifts" from the Egyptians as they left the country. These items would be contributed by the Israelites for the building of the Tabernacle.  God would also anoint men with the Holy Spirit so that they could construct the Tabernacle exactly as He said.  All of this was done for one purpose - " And let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them." 

God's plan was to meet with a representative of His people from above the mercy seat. He told Moses, "I will speak to you about all that I will give you in commandment for the sons of Israel." 

There was nothing on earth like this Tabernacle.  Every piece of furniture had a purpose and was made according to a heavenly pattern.  The Ark contained the stone tablets, a jar of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded.  Above the Ark was the Mercy Seat.. the throne of God's presence.
The table held 12 loaves of bread to represent the 12 tribes. The incense was specifically  made just for the tabernacle.  The lightstand was made to be continually burning.

Father in heaven,  we have no way to imagine the heavenly tabernacle that was the pattern for this first dwelling place that You designed for men on earth.  But, it must be amazing!  Some day we will come into Your holy presence forever.  What a day that will be!  Teach us what You will from Your Word today, Lord.  Help us to remember that You want to dwell among us, Your people.. and that Jesus came so that we could do just that.  You instruct us to come boldly to the throne of grace.. to find help in times of need.   And so, we come, for we need You every day and every hour.  Make us aware of this more and more.  We pray this in Jesus' name . amen.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Exodus 24 The people of Israel were gathered at the base of Mount Sinai. The top of the mountain was covered by a cloud.  They had seen the lightning and fire. They had heard the thunder and trumpets of God!  Moses alone was allowed up the mountain at first.  When he came down, it was with the commandments of God.  And the people proclaimed, " All the words which the Lord has spoken we will do!"  ( v3)  Then they repeated this again, " All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient!" ( v7)

Moses was then instructed to bring Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, his sons, plus 70 of the elders, up the mountain.  There they "saw the God of Israel; and under His feet there appeared to be a pavement of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself."

Then Moses was invited to come up further on the mountain, into the cloud where the "glory of the Lord rested..." To the people it appeared that the top of the mountain top was on fire.  Moses remained there  40 days and nights while he received all of the instructions for the tabernacle and its furniture, etc.   Moses was shown the pattern that all this would be modeled after. God's plan was to dwell among His people.

We know what happened while Moses was on the mountain.  But, let's just focus on that moment.. when God came down and met with men. When He allowed them to witness first hand, His voice, His Glory.. His throne.  What an amazing moment that must have been!  Of course they would proclaim their allegiance and pledge their obedience.  But, it was so short-lived.. so shallow.

Do we do the same?  Do we make our confessions, pledge our faith, promised to obey.. and then go on living as if none of that mattered?  So many people do just that.  Let us not.. Oh Lord God, help us to not live that way!

Father in heaven,  You are the same God who is a consuming fire!  You have made us, and You alone can save us. Bring us into steadfast faith and keep us abiding in Jesus, the True vine.  May we not live shallow lives, but full and complete lives in Christ Jesus.  May Your will be done.. always, completely, and perfectly.. in each of us today.   We cannot do this by our own strength, wisdom, or effort.  We are utterly dependent on You.. for every breath, every thought, and every action.  Fill us again, continually, with Your Holy Spirit, we pray.  In Jesus' Holy name. Amen

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Exodus 23   Verses 1-9  center around what we would call the "justice system"..  Listen to these commands:

Do not put up with false reports.
Don't agree with the evil people and add to their malicious testimonies.
Don't follow the crowd in doing evil.
Don't agree with the crowd and pervert justice.
Don't show partiality in your testimony.
Don't take a bribe.
Don't treat your enemy falsely, but show them favor, mercy.. love.
Don't oppress the stranger in your midst.
"Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty." 

How far from this mandate of God do we fall in this country?
May God help us!

Verses 10-18 center around the sabbath day, the seventh year, and the yearly feasts.
The sabbath was given as a day of rest, " you shall cease from labor in order that your ox and your donkey may rest, and the son of your female slave, as well as your stranger, may refresh themselves."
This was meant for everyone.. even the animals and the least among them.
In the seventh year the land was to remain fallow.  It was given to the poor to glean what they could and then to the beasts to clear.

This warning is given.. "Now concerning everything I have said to you, be on your guard; and do not mention the name of other gods, nor let them be heard from your mouth."  The Lord, the God who revealed Himself as Yahweh... Jehovah.. His Name was the only name that they should speak.  And what did they do?  They changed His name so that they wouldn't speak it at all.. and then turned to the false gods... Such a tragedy!

Verses 20-33 are full of God's promises for the Land that He was going to give them.
He would bring them in with an angel to guard them the whole way.
He would be an enemy to their enemies.
He would completely destroy those in the land that He was giving them.
He would provide.. " bless your bread and your water." 
He would assure them of no miscarries and no barrenness!
He would extend their boundaries in a way that they could successfully and completely possess the land.

All they had to do was obey. Not rebel.  Not worship any idol. Not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land. "They shall not live in your land, lest they make you sin against Me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you. " 

Father in heaven, we long for the day when Your Kingdom comes and all will be as You have promised.  No more sin, sorrow, or sickness.  Where Israel failed to obey, Lord,  help us to be diligent to keep Your Word.  May we do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with You, our God.  May we truly love You with all of our hearts, minds, and souls.  May we love others as You have said.  Keep us from evil and the evil one.  May we know You.  May we know what it is to be in Your Presence and serving You alone.  May we be faithful and steadfast in the power of Your Spirit to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Exodus 21-22  Moses recorded "ordinances" ( judicial verdicts)  and laws, detailing how the people of God were to walk.  Verse 31 of chapter 22 sums up His purpose.. " And you shall be holy men to Me.. "

All of these ordinances, commands, statutes, precepts, and laws were given for one purpose.. to establish the standards of conduct/action for God's holy people.  These define righteous living.

God gave Moses extraordinary wisdom and knowledge. Moses sought the Lord for discernment and understanding and wisdom.  These particular laws were given for the Israelites so that they would know how to live in ways that pleased God.

These ordinances dealt with how to treat other people. They detailed how acts against another should be justly punished or repaid.  They were fair and sensible.  But, some are a bit shocking to our modern thinking. For example, a person who cursed or struck their parent was to be put to death. Think how that would change our societies if it were put into the Laws of this world!

The Lord seems to have a special concern for widows and orphans. We find this all through the Scriptures.  Here we see a strong proclamation, " You shall not afflict any widow or orphan. If you afflict him at all, and if he does cry out to Me, I will surely hear his cry; and My anger will be kindled, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless." ( 22:22-24)

Father in heaven, may we walk according to Your Word, in the ways of righteousness. We know that we have no righteousness of our own, but we have the perfect Righteousness of Christ Jesus the Lord.
Clothe us in Him, that we might walk in wisdom and understanding, with discernment.  Fill us with Your Spirit continually, so that we might walk in the Light as You are in the Light. Keep our steps from evil and keep us from the lies of the enemy.  We ask this in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God, who came for us; Amen.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Exodus 19-20  Israel had the opportunity to become a nation unlike any other.  The Lord chose them to be His own possession, set apart as a "kingdom of priests".   The Lord had brought them out of Egypt by His powerful Hand, to bring them  to Himself.  Three months after their escape, they arrive at Mount Sinai.

God had revealed Himself to them as their Redeemer, with the blood of the lamb allowing the angel of death to pass over their homes.  He had revealed Himself as their Provider, bringing water from the rock and manna from heaven.  He had revealed Himself as their Banner, giving them victory over the Amalekite army. Now, He is revealing Himself as their King and Sovereign God, giving them the Laws that would establish them as His nation.

The Lord, Himself,  comes to the mountain.  This is really remarkable!  He comes with fire and smoke, thunder and lightning and the sound of  trumpets.  God, the Creator of the universe stepped down from His throne onto a mountain top in Sinai. This caused the mountain to quake and the people to tremble.  He wanted the people to know Him, but, they had to be consecrated, cautious, and obedient.  The warning to not touch the mountain... to set boundaries around it, repeating this twice.. gives a clear picture of the tremendous importance and seriousness of this event.  Serious is not strong enough of a word for this moment in history!

The Lord begins to tell Moses the Law that will govern this nation that He is making a covenant with.  We know these well.. ten commandments that clearly spell out Israel's relationship with God and with each other.

1 They were to have only ONE God.
2 They were not allowed to make any images or idols.
3 They were to hallow His name and never use it "in vain" - for evil; falsely; deceptively; uselessly;
4 They were to remember the Sabbath day - a day set aside for rest;  a day of no work; a day that commemorated the 7th day of creation and God's own rest.

These first four commands established the rules for man's relationship with God.. Jesus summed it up with " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind."  He summed up the next 6 with, " You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

5 They were commanded to honor their parents.  Love begins at home.
6 They were commanded to not murder.... life has value!
7 They were commanded to not commit adultery.. marriage is to be valued.
8 They were commanded to not steal... respect for other's property.
9 They were commanded to not lie.. ( bear false witness).. respect for truth.
10 They were commanded to not covet what their neighbor owned... respect for others and contentment with your own belongings.

Coming out of Egypt and a culture of idolatry; wickedness; and violence - these commands were a radical change for the people of Israel.   If only they would have kept them!

Father in heaven, Your Kingdom come!  We want to live in this way, with love for You and love for others.  Thank You for the righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ that will bring us fully into Your perfect kingdom.  We fall so far short of Your mark.. as individuals and as a nation.  Forgive us our trespasses, Lord. Deliver us from evil, Lord. Help us to walk in Your ways every day of our lives.  In Christ we pray, amen.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Exodus 18  Jethro brings Zipporah, Moses' wife, and their two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, to the Israelite camp.  Jethro was known as the "priest of Midian".  He was a descendant of Abraham, but not of Isaac.  He did have a knowledge of and fear of God.  He seems to have a new understanding after the events of Moses and Israel are told to him.  He said, "Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods; indeed it was proven when they dealt proudly against the people."   He took a burnt offering and sacrifices to God.  These are the first sacrifices recorded since the Israelites left Egypt.

Jethro was a man of wisdom.  He questioned Moses when he observed him spending hour after hour judging small disputes between the people.  It was too much!  Jethro said, "You will surely wear out, both yourself and these people who are with you, for the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone."  Jethro gave wise counsel to Moses and Moses listened and did what he said.   It was time to set up an organized system of government for this nation that was just birthed.  God would speak through Moses, who would then teach the leaders "the statutes and the laws, and make them known to them the way in which they are to walk, and the work they are to do." 

Moses appointed leaders over thousands, over hundreds, over fifties, and over tens.  Small disputes would be dealt with at the lowest courts and when things were more difficult they would come before Moses.   I wonder if the many "sundry laws" and ordinances etc.  were answers to some of these disputes.

The Israelites made their way to Mount Sinai.  Here God was going to meet them and give them the ten commandments - their constitution... if you will.  This covenant between God and Israel would make them uniquely His people.

Father in heaven,  we also have a covenant with You through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.  We have become Your people, set apart to walk in Your ways and to do the work You give us.  May we be faithful servants, knowing that You are our great and Mighty God.  Spirit of God come and fill us once again we pray, so that we may be all that You have desired us to be.  In the name of Jesus we ask this.  Amen.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Exodus 17:8-16  The water was given and the panic settled.. and then the enemy attacked.. this time in the form of the Amalek army.   Joshua was put in charge of gathering men for an army.  These people had been slaves and builders for all their lives.  Now, they were nomads and  had to become warriors.   Life had changed. But, having just witnessed the power of God to produce abundant water from the rock.. it appears that they were ready to fight and trust in the  Lord.

Moses, Aaron, and Hur go up to the top of a hill to watch the battle.  Moses lifted the staff of God and the Israelite army prevailed.  But, when his arms grew tired... the moment his arms went down, the Amalekite  army prevailed.  So, Aaron and Hur came along side Moses and held up his arms until the victory was won.  Not only was Amalek defeated, but they would be completely blotted out "from under heaven."  Many years later, Saul was given the job of finishing off the last of this nation.  He actually failed, for he allowed the king, Agag, to live.  It was Samuel who completed the work and fulfilled God's promise.

Moses built an altar and named it "The Lord is my Banner."  Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord, the self-existent , eternal God who has revealed Himself is the flag we fly; the standard, the sign, the beacon we raise;  He is our signal;  

Israel was becoming a nation for the first time in its history.  This event established them as a nation with an army-  serving under the flag of Jehovah.

We live in a country that proudly flies a flag of red, white, and blue.  Our military, especially, show great respect for the American flag.  It is our banner, a sign that represents this nation.  Where this symbol is presented.. we instantly recognize its significance.

Moses was proclaiming to Israel.. and to every other nation that they would come into contact with.. that the Lord, Jehovah.. was their banner.  The significance and meaning of this goes beyond any national flag or symbol.   The nation of Israel belonged to, chosen by, and uniquely protected by God.

Is the Lord our Banner?  Yes!  We are called His servants, His people.. His possessions.  Let us recognize and proclaim Him in all that we do and say.

Father, be glorified in our lives today.  Help us to understand and to grow in the knowledge of our God, for You alone are worthy of our love and devotion.  May we do Your will and obey Your word.  May we proclaim that You are our Banner.  Amen.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exodus 17:1-7  Once again the Israelites are faced with a problem..  They have journeyed to Rephidim and there is no water.  Yes, God had provided water at Marah. Yes, He provided manna and quail every day. But, when faced with this problem.. they quarreled with Moses.  Moses called them on this.. "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the Lord?" 

There were two possible responses to this problem.. faith or failure, failure to believe that God would do what He promised.  This was a serious problem.  The people needed water. Over a million people, plus their animals.. could not live without water.  But, they did not stop to pray... to seek God.. to wait on His provision.  Instead, they got angry at Moses. They were ready to stone him, Moses says.

The Lord told Moses to go to the rock at Horeb, strike the rock with his staff, and receive the water that would come from it.

How do we react to critical problems?  Even to small trials?  Do we blame others?  Or do we seek the Lord ?

Jesus taught that we should not be anxious for our lives. Matthew 6 gives us the teaching from the Mount... the Father knows what we need.  Look at the birds.  Look at the lilies of the field.  The Lord knows more than we do what we really need.  Jesus tells us, don't be anxious .. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you."   He tells us to ask, to seek, and to knock.  He reminds us that we have a good Father, Who knows our needs and will supply us with what is good.

Andrew Murray writes this:  "Before you pray, bow quietly before God, just to remember and realize who He is, how near He is, how certainly He can and will help.  Just be still before Him, and allow His Holy Spirit to waken and stir up in your soul the childlike disposition of absolute dependance and confident expectation. Wait upon God as a living Being, as the living God, who notices you, and is just longing to fill you with His salvation. Wait on God til you know you have met Him; prayer will then become so different." 

What if Israel had learned to have faith.. to wait on God before they started picking a fight with Moses?  What if we learned to live by this kind of faith.. taking every problem straight to the Lord, trusting in His love and faithfulness?

Father, help us to live in this way.. in complete dependence upon You with confident expectation that You see us, know us, and will never forsake us. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Exodus 16  Sometimes I feel like grumbling.. just like the Israelites did.  They wanted bread and meat.  Their stores from Egypt ran out.  They were in the wilderness.  It looked pretty bleak.  They still didn't understand God.

The instructions were clear.  Pick up enough manna for each person in your household.  Don't keep any leftovers, except on the day before the Sabbath.  Pick up twice as much that day and don't go out on the Sabbath to look for more, for there would not be any.  Every morning there was manna.  Every evening there was quail.  They didn't have to go hunting.  They didn't have to work in the fields.  God provided everything they needed.  And, He didn't like their grumblings!

Still some kept the leftovers.
Some went out on the Sabbath and looked for more manna.
Some still grumbled.

What do I have to grumble about?  Nothing!
God has provided my every need and has blessed me abundantly.
Yet, why do I feel, at times, so discontent?
I am no different than those grumbling Israelites...

Maybe it is because I don't understand God either.
I want to.. I try to... but I fall far short...

Lord, help me to learn the way that Paul talked about..." for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." 
Utter dependance on Jesus. Help me learn to press on.. to forget the past and look to what lies ahead. ... " to the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."   ( Philippians 3:14; 4:11-13)

Forgive my grumbling and discontent attitude, Lord.  I know that You are teaching me something new about Yourself, and I am so thankful that You are patient and kind.  Thank You for loving me just as I am, but continually growing me and changing me to be more like Jesus. I am looking to You, my God and my King.  amen.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Exodus 15 This song of Moses is a new song - a song that exalts the Lord who has revealed Himself to His people.  They have come to know Him in a way that they never did before.  Moses has been utterly transformed by his new understanding and knowledge of the Lord.  In praise and worship, the people sing and dance, rejoicing at the greatness of their God.

v1 - He is "highly exalted" - or gloriously triumphant!
v2 - He is their personal strength, their song, and their salvation.  He is their God.
v3- He is a warrior.
v4 - He cast Pharaoh's army into the sea.
v6 - His "right hand" - the Hand of power is majestic.
v7 He is  greatly excellent!
v11 - There is no other god like Him.  He is " awesome in praises, working wonders." 
v13 - In His lovingkindness He redeemed His people and led them out of captivity.
v14-15 - All the nations trembled because of what the Lord did to Egypt.
v16 - He purchased His people by the "greatness of [His] arm." 
v17 - He had a plan for His people and He would complete it.
v18- His reign is eternal. 

This is the God that Israel began to know  and they still  had a long way to go.  There was so much more that they needed to learn.  The Lord began to teach them right away - bringing them out of Egypt and into a wilderness with no water.  When they came to Marah and found the water bitter, they started to complain, but God gave Moses a tree.. added to the water, this tree brought healing.  The Lord thus revealed to them another truth - "I, the Lord, am your healer."   He made a promise to them - if they would obey His voice and keep His commandments then He would keep them from all the diseases that He had put upon the Egyptians.  This is an amazing promise!

Father God, You are highly exalted!  You are majestic in power and great in lovingkindness.  You are the Only God and Your reign is forever and ever.  Great and excellent is Your Name.  Help us to know You more and exalt You always, Lord.  Thank You that You have redeemed us.. purchasing us by the blood of Jesus Christ, Your Beloved Son.  Thank You for being our Healer, our Sanctifier, our Savior, and our King.  Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the radiance of Your glory and the exact representation of Your character.  Through His Name we come to You and pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Exodus 13-14  Israel is given two commands that would help them remember that the Lord delivered them with "a powerful hand": 

First, they were to go seven days eating only unleavened bread and then celebrate the Passover feast.. every year.  They were to make sure to tell their children why this is celebrated. It was an important reminder of God's power and deliverance.

Secondly, they were to "devote the first offspring of every womb"  to the Lord.  The firstborn sons had to be "redeemed" and the firstborn of the beasts were sacrificed, except for the donkeys, which were redeemed by the offering of a lamb.  This was a vivid reminder of the night when every first born in Egypt was killed.

 The Lord then led the Israelites into a precarious place at the edge of the Red Sea.  The pillar of cloud/fire was given. The angel of the Lord was present, also.  But, when the people saw the Egyptian chariots and army, they panicked.

Moses, however, didn't waver:  "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." 

The Lord did something that no one could have expected!  He parted the Red Sea and the people walked across it on dry ground.  Then He closed it over the Egyptian army and they were completely wiped out.

I'm reading a wonderful little book by Andrew Murray called Waiting on God.  Today I read this:

Learn to worship God as the God who does wonders, 
who wishes to prove in you that He can do
something supernatural and divine. 
Bow before Him, wait upon Him,
until your soul realizes that you are in the hands
of a divine and almighty worker. 
Consent but to know what and how He will work.
Expect it to be something Godlike,
something to be waited for in deep humility, and received
only by His divine power.

Murray says that we mustn't just wait on the things we think we need.. but to wait on God for that which HE KNOWS we need... What His heart wants for us.. far beyond anything we can ask or think.

Isn't this what happened to Israel. They never thought to ask God to split the waters of the Red Sea. But, God wanted to show them that He was the Lord.  He would fight for them. He would be honored and glorified by His work on their behalf.  And, they finally believed.. at least for a little while. 

Father, may our faith in You not waver!  May we know You, the God Who does wonders. The God who is infinite in love and power and wisdom and grace.  We wait on You.. not knowing what it is that we are waiting for.. but putting our hope in You.  May Your will be done and Your Great Name praised!   In the Name of Jesus, our Redeemer, we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Exodus 8-12  As the events chronicled here progressed, not only did the Lord reveal Himself as I wrote about yesterday, but there are noticeable changes in the people through these days.

Look at Moses.  He didn't want this job, but with Aaron's help, he did what the Lord told him to do.
It was an overwhelming task!  He had to confront Pharaoh, convince the people of Israel to follow him, and speak for God.  When the first contact with Pharaoh did not go well and he actually increased the workload of the Israelites.. it looked like utter failure.  But, Moses went to the Lord who told him, "Now you shall see what I will do..  I am the Lord... " The Lord gives Moses some very precious and powerful promises..

" I am the Lord, and I will bring you out form under the burdens of the Egyptians, 
and I will deliver you from their bondage. 
I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgements.  
Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God; 
and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, 
who brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. 
And I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, 
and I will give it to you for a possession; 
I am the Lord."(6:6-8)

Moses spoke these words to Israel, but they would not listen. He was not convinced even then that speaking with Pharaoh would produce any results, but the Lord gave Moses and Aaron "a charge to the sons of Israel and to Pharaoh king of Egypt.. "  He told Moses, " See, I make you as God to Pharaoh and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet."  And Moses and Aaron obeyed. 
Notice the changes in Moses, Pharaoh, and both the Egyptians and the Israelites. 

In 7:8-13 Aaron's rod became a snake.. and Pharaoh did not listen. 

In 7:14-25 The Nile's water turned into blood and Pharaoh did not listen or act concerned. 

In 8:1-15 - Moses commanded Aaron to stretch out his staff and the frogs came.  Pharaoh asked Moses to "entreat the Lord" and he did.. and the frogs died.  But Pharaoh did not listen. 

In 8:16-32 Moses instructed Aaron to strike the dust and gnats covered everything;  Pharaoh's magicians couldn't compete; the land of Goshen was spared.. and  Pharaoh tried to bargain with Moses.. offering a time of sacrifices for the Israelites, but not far away.. Then he hardened his heart and would not keep even that agreement. 

In 9:1-7 Moses spoke directly to Pharaoh about the pestilence that would kill the livestock.  The Hebrews animals were spared.  Pharaoh's heart was hardened.

In 9:8-17  Moses threw the soot into the sky and boils broke out on all the Egyptians.  This time we are told that "the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart".  Moses has a specific message for Pharaoh. The only reason Pharaoh is still alive, is because God is allowing him to live and see the Lord's power. 

In 9:18-35 The Lord warned everyone that He was going to send hail.  If they "feared the Word of the Lord" and brought everything inside.. they could be safe.  If not, they would be struck.  Even some Egyptians believed and were helped.  It is now Moses, not Aaron, who stretched out the staff.. and the hail began.  Only in Goshen was there no hail.  This time Pharaoh confessed that he had sinned, that the Lord was righteous, and asked Moses to pray for him.  Yet after the storm ended, he again hardened his heart. 

In 10: 1-20 The plague of locusts is sent.  Moses tells Pharaoh that he needs to humble himself before God.  Pharaoh's servants try to convince him to let the Israelites go before all Egypt is destroyed; and again Pharaoh tries to bargain with Moses, offering to allow the men alone to go offer their sacrifices. 
When the locusts come, Pharaoh calls for Moses and Aaron, confesses his sin, asks for forgiveness and for prayer to remove the locusts.  But, again the Lord hardens Pharaoh's heart. 

10:21-29 This time the plague is darkness.  Pharaoh's bargain this time is to allow all the people to go, but without their animals.  Moses bolder and more confident.. refuses.  Pharaoh throws him out and threatens him if he ever sees him again. 

11-12  The final, most horrific plague is set in motion.  All first borns in the land of Egypt, including Pharaoh's own son, would die.  Only those of Israel would be spared and then only when the blood of the passover lamb was applied to the doorposts.  Not only would Israel be allowed to leave.. they would be driven out!  They would go with gold and silver from their Egyptian neighbors.  They would go with unleavened bread.  They would go 430 years to the day.. 600.000 men plus their families.. They would go, according to the Word and the Power of the Lord. 

Father in heaven, You are mighty to save.  You accomplish Your will Your way.  And Your ways are perfect.  We don't always understand, but we are thankful to have Your Word and Your Spirit that we might walk in faith, believing that You alone are God, there is none like You, and that You will do what You have promised.  Have your way in us today, to the glory of Your holy name. Amen. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Exodus 8-12  These chapters chronicle the plagues sent by God upon Egypt.

Pharaoh had a hard heart and it would become harder and harder as he refused to listen to God's Word.  In Ex. 5:2 Pharaoh said, " Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and besides I will not let Israel go."  In Ex. 7:17 the Lord said, "By this you shall know that I am the Lord.. "   Everything that happens from then on reveals Who the Lord really is!

In Ex. 8:22b the Lord excludes the plague of insects from Goshen "in order that you may know that I, the Lord, am in the midst of the land." 
In 9:14 He says, " For this time I will send all My plagues on you and your servants and your people, so that you may know that there is no one like Me in all the earth." He also adds, " For if by now I had put forth My hand and struck you and your people with pestilence, you  would then have been cut off from the earth. But indeed for this cause I have allowed you to remain, in order to show you My power, and in order to proclaim My name through all the earth." 
In Ex. 10: 1-2 the Lord says to Moses, " Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may perform these signs of Mine among them, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son, and of your grandson, how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and how I performed My signs among them; that you may know that I am the Lord."
In Ex. 11:7 Moses tells Pharaoh that all the first born of Egypt will die but the Israelites will not be touched, "that you may understand how the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel." 
Verse 9 "Pharaoh will not listen to you, so that My wonders will be multiplied in the land of Egypt."

The Lord made Himself known to the Egyptians and to the Israelites with these signs and wonders -
He is the Lord - Yahweh, Jehovah; The self-existant One; the great IAM; The God who reveals Himself;  He is God - Elohim; Creator, powerful, Master; Sovereign;
He is omnipresent - "in the midst of the land"
There is no one like Him.
He in omnipotent  - His power was revealed so that His name would be proclaimed.
He is the Judge of all the earth and He will distinguish between those who are His and those who harden their hearts against Him.

Everything that happened there in Egypt, happened because God planned it and brought it to be.
Jacob went down to Egypt with his family.
Four hundred and thirty years passed.
Israel became slaves and cried out to the Lord.
Moses was called to be God's servant and bring Israel out of slavery.
Pharaoh continually hardened his heart.
God delivered His people - His way.

Father in heaven, You are the Lord and there is no one like You. You are in the midst of our land and You see the needs of Your people here and in Israel.  Once again, we see so many hardened hearts.  So many have been deceived and refuse to humble themselves before You. Reveal Yourself to us Lord, and may many more take heed, repent, and obey Your Word. May the blood of the Lamb, our precious Savior, shed for redemption and forgiveness of sins.. be made known, so that the lost will be saved.  Pour out Your Spirit upon the church and revive us again. Bring life so that we will do the work of evangelism as you have called us to do.  We ask this in Jesus' name . Amen.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Exodus 4-7   Moses starts out on his assignment with fear and worries...  He makes the Lord angry with him, complaining about his inabilities instead of having courage and faith.  But, the Lord helps him, allowing Aaron to be his mediator and helper.  Then, there is a problem at the lodging place and Zipporah has to take the initiative to circumcise their sons, since Moses hadn't done it as he should have.

Finally, Moses meets with Aaron, who seems more than willing to take his position in the upcoming events. Even as they meet with the elders of Israel, there is a good response and things seem to be going well, until...

Pharaoh does what God said he would.. he refuses to listen and walks away unconcerned even by the signs that Moses was given to perform. Aaron's rod becomes a snake. The river water becomes blood.
Yet, Pharaoh is unconcerned and unwilling to let the people go even three days.

But, the Lord has a greater plan.  He is going to show all of Egypt as well as all of Israel that He is Lord. "By this you shall know that I am the Lord.. "   Israel needed to come to true faith in their God.  They had a weak faith at first.. when it seemed easy... but when things got harder they wimped out quickly.  Before it is all over they would need a greater faith.  A faith that would require the shedding of blood, a passover lamb... they would need to be all in.. completely obedient and trusting in the Lord their God.

Just like us.  If we come to Jesus and expect an easy life without struggles, we will be easily disappointed and weak in faith.  It is through the difficulties of life that we begin to know the grace and power of our Lord.  As Peter wrote, " In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." ( I Peter 1:6-7)

Hebrews 11 is a tribute to men and women of faith, their testimonies given to encourage us to keep walking in faith no matter what happens.. good or bad,  for God has a plan and it is good.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and keep walking in faith and trusting Him to give us a greater faith through the trials and struggles of this life.  We have a great and wonderful Father and He is preparing us for a Promised Land so much greater than even the one He had prepared for Israel in the days of Moses.

Father in heaven, we pray for Your will to be done and for Your kingdom to come.  We honor and praise You, the Lord of heaven and earth.  Help us to have a growing and real faith no matter what we are facing this day.  We ask it in the name of Jesus our Savior and King. Amen.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Exodus 3 As Moses pastures the sheep.. an ordinary day at work.. he sees a burning bush and everything changes for him in that moment .

His relationship with God is forever changed.
His family life is forever changed.
His dwelling place is changed.
And his purpose for living is also changed.

Moses is brought first - to the Presence of God.. holy ground.
Then he is given a revelation from God - the I Am.
Then he is given an assignment from God - go back to Egypt.
Finally, he is given resources for the job - power to do signs, words to speak, insight into the responses, and  a helper, Aaron.

God introduces Himself to Moses as "the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."  He reveals His name - I AM - Yahweh, Jehovah, Lord;

As Moses tries to talk God out of choosing him because of his lack of good speech, God says this interesting statement, " Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I the Lord?"

We don't want to think about this, do we? But, all things are in His hands.. all things. Including our mouths, our eyes, and our ears.  How important it is that we  understand this truth! We hear and speak and see.. because God gives us the means to do it!  May we do all things.. all things.. for His glory!

Father in heaven, You are holy and mighty.  You are God and there is no-one like You.  We worship You alone. Draw us near to the holy flame of Your Presence and sanctify us through and through.  May we know You more, love You deeper, and serve You faithfully every day. Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray this.. Amen.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Exodus 1-2  Jacob and 70 of his family went to live in Egypt while Joseph was alive.  Exodus begins hundreds of years later.  Joseph is long gone. The leadership of Egypt has completely changed.  The family of Jacob/Israel has grown into a vast, mighty multitude. Unfortunately they were made slaves and driven to hard labor. The midwives were ordered to kill all male babies so that the people would not gain any more power.. but they would not do it.  Then, came Moses.

Moses was born in one of the worst periods of history. He was born in one of the worst places for a Hebrew child to be born. Yet, God had His hand on Moses from the moment he was born.
His life was preserved.
His family was blessed.
His opportunities were multiplied.

But, Moses killed an Egyptian man and had to run for his life.
Even then, God directed him to Midian and prepared him for a future ministry.. to become a deliverer of the people of God.

Moses spent 40 years as a prince in Egypt.
Then he spent 40 years as a shepherd in Midian.
It is only after these two periods of preparation.. does Moses meet God.  From that minute on everything changed.

Life is complicated sometimes.  We cannot know what changes God has in store for us.
But, we know that He has us in His hands and He is preparing us to meet Him .. face to face.

Heaven is nearer then we think.
Jesus is coming soon.
I'm convinced that it could be any time now.
Yet, even so,  I live like the Israelites in Egypt.. groaning and sighing.. and not knowing that the Deliverer is on His way.

Father in heaven, open our eyes and fill our hearts with Yourself.  May we be alert and ready.. listening for the sound of the trumpet and the return of our Lord Jesus.  May we wait with expectant hearts.. and may we be faithful to the end.  Father, we live in a world that needs to turn to Jesus, to repent, to fear You.  We need revival of Your church and revival among the nations.  May the Word of the Lord "spread rapidly and be glorified" in our land and around the world.  Stir us up and strengthen us in Your Spirit.  May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done! Send workers into the harvest.. in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Mark 16  He is risen!  He is risen indeed!

The two Marys come to the empty tomb and are greeted by an angel.. Mary Magdalene meets Jesus and reports this, but her report is not believed.
Jesus meets the two disciples on the road.. and their report is not believed.
Jesus meets the eleven and they finally believe!

Mark's account leaves out some other details, but leaves us with this important Word from Jesus, "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." ( v16)

 Unbelief - the Greek word is apisteo and also is translated disobey, faithlessness, untrustworthy...  

Believe. Trust. Commit. Be persuaded. Rely on Christ. Entrust your heart, soul, and spiritual well-being to Christ alone.  This is the ONLY way to be saved. The One who was crucified, buried, and resurrected again...  Jesus Christ.. is the only One who can bring us out of death and into life.

Praise and honor and blessing to God the Father and to Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mark 15

Mark's account skips some details, but gives us the most important ones...

Jesus taken before Pilate and condemned to die.
Jesus beaten, abused, mocked, and crowned with thorns.
Jesus crucified.
Jesus buried.

Jesus, the Beloved Son of God.. the Lamb, perfect, innocent, kind, and compassionate..
was bound
was accused and cursed
was mocked and beaten beyond imagination

They nailed Him to the cross and 9:00 in the morning; the world turned dark at 12:00 noon; and at 3:00 - He gave up His life. The centurion, a Roman soldier, brutal and hardened by his work as an executioner.. "saw the way He breathed His last.." said, "Truly this man was the Son of God!"

Watching from afar we find Mary Magdalene and Mary "the mother of James the Less and Joses and Salome."  One Mary, delivered from demons;  one Mary, the mother of Jesus, James, and Joses...
They would not leave Him even in the end. They followed Joesph of Arimathea as he took the body of Jesus, wrapped Him in linen, set Him in a tomb, and rolled a stone across the entrance.

"O sacred Head, now wounded, 
with grief and shame weighed down; 
Now scornfully surrounded,
with thorns, thine only crown;
How art Thou pale with anguish,
with sore abuse and scorn;
How does that visage languish,
Which once was bright as morn!"

How can it be?  That  You, My God should die for me?

Father, we pause to think again of this great sacrifice, unbearable pain, complete surrender and restraint.. for the One who is the Heir of all things, the One through whom all things were made, the One who is the radiance of Your glory and the exact representation of Your nature... the One who upholds all things by the word of His power... allowed evil men to bind Him, mock Him, beat Him, and crucify Him... "What language shall I borrow to thank Thee, dearest Friend... What Thou My Lord hast suffered, was all for sinners gain; Mine, mine was the transgression, but Thine the deadly pain."   Amazing grace, amazing love.. that You delighted in us.. You loved us so much.. that You gave Your Beloved Son to die this way, for us.  All praise and thanksgiving we give to You!  We having nothing else to offer...but ourselves.  We are Your servants forever in Christ Jesus the Risen Lord!  Amen.