Wednesday, March 13, 2019

James 5

Verses 1-6 address the "rich".  These particular rich men have lived a life of "wanton pleasure".  They have "fattened" their own hearts by failing to pay their workers and condemning and killing the "righteous man".   They have not laid up a treasure in heaven.. but on earth where it is rotting, rusting, and eaten by moths.  James tells them to "weep and howl" for misery is coming.

In contrast, James encourages "the brethren" to be patient, like a farmer who is waiting for his produce to be ready for harvest.  "You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand."  

Strengthen your heart...

Don't be complaining about each other.
Don't be judging each other.
Endure.. remembering how Job endured and was blessed.
Don't make oaths.. just speak truth.
Sing praises.
Help one another.
Pray.. and pray.. and pray some more.

This is how we strengthen our hearts.

Father in heaven, exalted and mighty God, I honor Your holy name. I worship and serve You.
Help me to live with patient expectation for the coming of the Lord Jesus.  Strengthen my heart so that I will be all that You desire for me to be... ready for that glorious day..   Keep me in truth, righteousness, peace, and faith, I pray, in the name of Jesus,

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