Friday, March 22, 2019

I Peter 4  Peter has exhorted his readers to "gird up your minds" ( 1:13)   He wrote in chapter 2 verse 21, "For you have been called for this purpose.. for you to follow in His steps;"  And in Ch. 3 verse 9 he wrote, " .. you were called for the very purpose... " 

Peter uses this same word three more times in this chapter.

v1 "... arm yourselves also with the same purpose.. "
v6 " For the gospel has for this purpose been preached.."
v7 "The end of all things is at hand; therefore be of sound judgement and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer." 

Purpose - ennoia- thoughtfulness; moral understanding; intent, mind.

The KJV uses a variety of words in place of the word purpose - cause, mind, hereunto, thereunto, and watch -

We are called - to thoughtfully and intentionally live like Jesus in:
doing what is right and honorable and respectful;
suffering for what is right;
being "harmonious, brotherly, kindhearted.. humble.. giving a blessing.. " 
dying to the flesh and living "for the will of God";
living "in the spirit according to the will of God"
being "of sound judgement and sober spirit" for the "purpose of prayer"

We entrust our whole lives into the Hand of our "faithful Creator".. even if it means suffering.  And if we suffer for the name of Jesus Christ, we rejoice.. and keep on rejoicing.. for the day is coming when we will see His glory and know His blessings!  The day of judgement is coming, and it will be soon.. whether we are ready or not.

 Let us live thoughtfully and intentionally like Jesus, ready for the day ahead.

Father, help us. May the "Spirit of glory and of God" rest upon us. Amen.

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