Monday, March 25, 2019

I Peter 5  As aliens and strangers in this world and new creations in Christ, our citizenship forever established in heaven's realms.. we simply "entrust our souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right." ( 4:19)

To the church leaders, Peter says,  "shepherd the flock of God":
willingly and not "under compulsion"
eagerly and not for "sordid gain"
as examples.. not as lords.

To the younger men he says, "be subject to your elders... " 

To everyone, Peter writes:
"clothe yourselves with humility.."
cast "all your anxiety upon Him, for He cares for you."
".. be on the alert.." for the "devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour"

We can trust our God in all things.  He is "the God of all grace."  His promises are true.
He "called [us] to His eternal glory in Christ" and He "will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish [us]." 

In this day and age, especially in our culture, humility is greatly undervalued.. yet, so very precious and vital.  Peter's letter has emphasized the need to follow the example of Christ in every aspect of our lives.. even if it means we suffer for doing what is right.  We cannot begin to scrape the surface of this truth.. we cannot form Christ in our own lives.. we must allow Him to come in and take over.. We must completely "entrust our Creator" with our hearts, souls, minds, bodies..

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.. Your kingdom come.. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Sanctify us through and through by Your Spirit.  Jesus, You are our living hope. Thank You for saving us and giving us true life. Amen.

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