Wednesday, March 6, 2019

James 1  This letter, written by James, quickly addresses a variety of issues that the early Jewish Christians were facing.

Issue 1 - Trials.  

James encourages his readers to "consider it all joy.. when you encounter various trials,"  We are in need of endurance in order to be grow.. to be "perfect and complete, lacking in nothing".  When we have trials, our faith is tested. This produces endurance, which is needed to make us complete.  That is a good thing!  In this way, we can rejoice..

Issue 2 - Wisdom

James tells us to simply ask for wisdom when we need it.. and God will give it.  He gives "generously and without reproach".  But, we must ask "in faith without any doubting".   Doubting- the Greek word here is "diakrino" - meaning to separate thoroughly, to withdraw from, oppose, discriminate, hesitate, or waver;  We need to be steadfast in believing that God will do as He says. Ask and receive!

Issue 3 - Wealth

James says that those who are of "humble circumstances" can glory in their "high position".
He says that those of means can "glory in his humiliation".
Both live in the knowledge that all belongs to God and that He is Lord of all.
What is most important is not that one has money or not.. what is most important is that one "perseveres under trial". 

Issue 4 - Temptation

James teaches that temptations are not from God.  He doesn't tempt us. But He does allow us to be tempted.  Our problem is that we don't resist the temptation because of our sinful lusts.  We are deceived by thinking that we can give in to temptations without consequences .  But,  sin will lead to death.

God does not want us to give in to sin.   He will help us.  We need to trust Him fully:  " Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."  We can resist temptation by resting in this truth.  We don't need to yield to our sinful nature, but trust God to provide for what we really need.. what is good and perfect!

What is really important, James teaches, is the Word of God.
Receive it.
Do it.
Look intently at it.
Abide by it.
Remember it.
The Word, implanted in our hearts " is able to save your souls." 
The Word will teach us what "pure and undefiled religion"  really is - "to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world".   In other words... to walk a worthy walk.. to be like Jesus. To have compassion and to act accordingly.  To love others and to act honorably.

Father in heaven, we give You praise and honor and glory, for You are God alone and there is none like You.  We desire to live like Jesus, bringing honor and glory to Your name. We do ask for wisdom that is from above.. that which is pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering and without hypocrisy.  We believe that You will give this to us generously and without reproach.. and we thank You! Fill us with Your Word and Your Spirit that we might endure and persevere in the race that is set before us, for we look ahead to the crown of life, which You have promised to us that love You.  Amen and amen.  Thank You.

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