Thursday, March 28, 2019

II Peter 3 Some.. many people live in complete denial of the fact that Jesus is coming again. Peter reminds us that it only because of God's patience... and His desire that "all come to repentance" that Christ tarries.  Yet, the day will come "like a thief".. a day when the heavens and the earth will burn up and be destroyed.  Only those who have "living hope".. living as holy and godly servants of Jesus, will be able to see the" new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells."

"Therefore beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found in Him in peace, spotless and blameless." ( v14)

This is what the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls desires for us.  This is our living hope, our inheritance, and our purpose.  Diligence is necessary.  Self-discipline is necessary.  Perseverance is necessary. This will not happen to us without effort on our part..

O Father in heaven, Majesty on High, fill us with Your Holy Spirit power that we might live in unity with Your Son, completely..that we might be ready for that day when You will call us home.  Death can come at any moment.. it can be totally unexpected.. may we live in readiness.  The day of Christ's coming can be at any moment.. it will be totally unexpected.. may we be found blameless, abiding in Him, walking in Your Spirit.. living a victorious, purposeful, fruitful life to the glory of our Lord.

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