Tuesday, March 12, 2019

James 4  - "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..."  James writes in verse 8.  This is what we need more than anything.  Our sinful nature keeps raising up its ugly head and tries to take us back to self-centered living.  "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." James reminds us.

What should we do?

V. 1-4  Turn our needs over to God.. "ask" Him.
Don't quarrel.
Don't envy.
Don't lust.
Don't seek selfish pleasures.
Don't seek what the world does..
Simply ask with pure hearts and clean hands.

V. 5-10 God desires you.. your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole body, in humble submission to Him.
He is "jealous" for us.
He gives us "greater grace".
He opposes the proud but "gives grace to the humble". 
When we humble ourselves before Him.. "He will exalt you." 

v11-17  God is the Supreme law giver and the Supreme Judge
Only He has the authority to judge others.. so we should not.
Only He can save or destroy.. it is not for us to judge.
Only He knows what tomorrow holds.. so we need to submit every plan to Him.
Only He is worthy.. so we should not boast in anything except that He is the Lord our God.

These are the "right things" to do...

Submit our needs to Him.
Humble ourselves before Him.
Submit our plans to Him.

Every moment of every day.. we are utterly and completely dependent on our God.. every heart beat, every breath.. is according to His will and plan for every one of us. "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.." James reminds us, so:

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  What a great truth and wonderful comfort.

Father in heaven,  I need You today, for You alone are God, the Maker of Heaven and earth and there is none other. You have made me Your own and brought me into Your kingdom.  I submit my whole being to You.. may Your will be done.  I am weak, but You are strong.  Help me to walk in faith, worthy of Your calling, bringing my whole self in submission to Your Spirit. Thank You that You give a great grace.. to conquer all sin.. Be exalted above the heavens and in all the earth I pray, in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ. amen.

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