Monday, March 4, 2019

Hebrews 12: 14-28  As we live by faith and run the race that is set before us.. as children of God, disciplined and restored to the highway of holiness.. we are instructed to "pursue peace" and "sanctification".. We are to show grace and keep "bitterness" from "springing up".  We are to guard against immorality and godlessness.

We have heard of those who were at the mountain with Moses.  They witnessed the Presence of God.. they saw the lightning and heard the thunder.. they heard the voice of God and were utterly terrified!

But, we have come to an even greater place, the writer tells us..
" you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God.. "  
Here we see "myriads of angels".  
The "general assembly and church of the first born.. " are here.
 "God, the Judge of all" rules here. 
 ".. and Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.. " dwells here.
All of heaven and earth will one day be shaken, the word tells us.  And the only things that will remain is the kingdom we have received... " a kingdom which cannot be shaken." 

So, " let us show gratitude, by which we may offer God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire." 

Our Father, the Judge of all, the only True and Righteous God, You are a consuming fire.  Everything will one day be swept away and all that will be left is Mount Zion, the city of the Living God, the Kingdom which cannot be shaken.  How thankful we are, that You have brought us into Your family through Christ Jesus, our great High Priest, the King of kings.. the One through whom and for whom all creation has been made.  We give You our praise and our thanksgiving.  It is far beyond our grasp to fully understand all that You have done.  But, my heart is full of love and joy as the Truth of Your Word fills me and moves me closer to Your throne of grace.. Amen.

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