Friday, January 25, 2019

II Timothy 4   Paul reminds us once again that we are in great need of God's Truth.. " constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine.. " 

Our culture, like that of the ancient world where Timothy served,  has infiltrated the "church" with :

"deceitful spirits"
"doctrines of demons"
"hypocrisy of liars"
"worldly fables"

They may call themselves "Christians", but they do not live according to His Word, putting faith in works or falsehoods.  The only way that we can truly live for Christ is to be CONSTANTLY nourished in the Truth.. 

Paul gives us some important truths here that help us to keep on the right path.

Verses 3-5  We who " believe and know the truth" need to remember that God has created  all things.  "For everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer."   We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by those who preach salvation by works.. abstaining from certain things, practicing self-righteous rituals... etc.   God is our Creator and our Provider.  We receive everything from His hand and we give thanks.  We acknowledge our absolute dependence on Him when we pray.  Jesus teaches us to say " Give us this day our daily bread".... a reminder that every day.. EVERY DAY.. He is our source of life.  

Verses 6-10  Paul contrasts the dependence of false doctrines on "bodily discipline"  with the truth that what we really must pay attention to is "discipline.. for the purpose of godliness".   Spiritual discipline is "profitable for all things, since it holds promise for this present life and also the life to come."   This is what we "labor and strive" for, Paul teaches.. "because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially believers. " 

Verses 11-16  Paul gives Timothy ( and us)  direction to  "prescribe and teach these things." 
Living a life as an "example of those who believe" - with spiritual discipline.. means our "speech, conduct, love, faith and purity" will reflect that of Christ, who is our life.  It is when we stay in His Word and are filled with His Spirit that He will be seen in us.    Paul uses some strong words to emphasize this:
".. give attention.. " v13
".. do not neglect.." v14
".. Take pains with... " v15
".. be absorbed in.. " v15
".. pay close attention to.. v16
 ".. persevere in.. " v16

In other words.. we must intentionally and diligently keep abiding in Christ and in His Word for our own salvation "and for those who hear" us, or see us....

Father in heaven,  I hear You calling us deeper into this abiding relationship with Jesus. Help us to not only want to.. but to do it!  Grant us strength by the power of Your Spirit to walk in a manner worthy of Your calling. Give us a hunger and thirst for Your Word and for Your righteousness.  Let Jesus be magnified in us and through us as we yield our whole selves to be Your servants.  We can do nothing, except what Jesus does in us.. and so we will cling to the True Vine and receive life from Him.  May Your good and perfect will be done in me, in us today.  We ask this in the Powerful, Beautiful Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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