Monday, January 28, 2019

I Timothy 5

Timothy faced many challenges.. as most, if not all, pastors do as they seek to lead in their churches.
Paul gives some guidance as to how to handle a few of these challenges.

Verses 1-2  address the relationships between the pastor and his congregation - in essence, Paul advised Timothy to consider older men like he would his father,  younger men like his brothers, older women like his mother and younger women like sisters.  This close relationship was to be "in all purity"... respectful, loving, kind, and sacred.

Verses 3-16 address how to handle the needs of widows.   There were some who were "widows indeed" .. they had no help and no hope outside of the church.  They had been "left alone" and "fixed [their[  hope on God".  She would continually pray,  have a reputation for good works, and be "above reproach".   These women would be put on "the list" and receive help from those in the church.

Other, younger widows, faced the temptation of wanting to find another husband.  If they remarried and continued to do what is right, then that was very good.  But, if they failed to live for the Lord.. either by giving into "sensual desires", gossiping, being a busy body, or otherwise wasting their lives... then they would not be eligible to receive help from the church.

 In either situation, if the widow had family that could help, then they should receive help from them so that those who had no other help would be able to get the help they needed.

Verses 17-25 speak about other church leaders.  If they did well, they were to be honored and paid.  If they were accused of wrong doing, that had to be properly attested to with more than one witness.
If they were sinning, then a public rebuke could be necessary.

A leader like Timothy needs to be impartial.  They need to be careful to appoint mature believers into places of responsibility.  They need to be aware that a sinful lifestyle is not always evident up front.. but that it will not remain "concealed".

All of these things may not apply to modern day churches.  I don't know if any churches have a widow's list... But, there is a reason this letter has been given to us...  We need to pray for our pastors and leaders in our churches.. that they might wisdom in dealing with the people in their congregations.  Many come to churches with great needs.... and some come just to see what they can get...  Some come and try to gain a position of power so that they can take from the church.. But, some come to serve and glorify the Lord.  There is a time and place for discernment and even judgement as a church's pastor.  May God give him great wisdom and insight for the work that he is called to do.

Father in heaven, I pray today for the pastors of my church and for those in this community.  May they seek You always, be filled with Your Spirit and faithful in their walk with You.  I pray for our church family.. for those who are struggling with physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual challenges. Grant our pastors the strength to come alongside these ones with grace and truth. Keep them from partiality and from pride.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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